Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai rejected the exit poll results, which gave Congress an edge over the ruling BJP in the assembly elections and asserted that his party will win
The relation between the SP and the Congress party has been strained lately, with Yadav being dissatisfied over the failure to achieve a seat-sharing strategy for the upcoming Madhya Pradesh elections
'People in the state feel they've been taken for a ride over the past 18 years. MP is the most corrupt state in the country, and its people are either victims of corruption or witnesses to it'
Dubbing Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan as 'thagraj' (king of cheats), Kamal Nath alleged the latter had deceived the people of the state in his 18-year rule
'Shivraj Singh Chouhan has put a lock on the future of Madhya Pradesh and this lock opens only when you pay a 50 per cent commission,' said Kamal Nath on Wednesday