BS Opinion

Best of BS Opinion: Powering

Best of BS Opinion: Powering

Updated On: 05 Sep 2023 | 6:00 PM IST

Tackling the waste problem

Municipal garbage is rising at an alarming rate in Indian cities, raising concerns about public health and the economy

Updated On: 15 Jun 2023 | 1:55 PM IST

Adam Smith's enduring legacy

In the tercentenary of the father of economics, it is worth exploring the impact and relevance of his ideas on economics in today's world

Updated On: 14 Jun 2023 | 6:18 PM IST

Govt in election mode

What could be on the cards to bolster its prospects?

Updated On: 14 Jun 2023 | 10:59 AM IST

RBI puts bank boards on notice

The central bank has tightened supervision but governance challenges at banks remain.

Updated On: 13 Jun 2023 | 4:34 PM IST

A casual attitude to safety

A casual attitude to safety

Updated On: 06 Jun 2023 | 4:27 PM IST

India's quantitative tightening

The persistent gap between credit and deposit growth has perplexed many. Could it be due to shortfalls in money injection by the RBI?

Updated On: 06 Jun 2023 | 1:47 PM IST

India's quantitative tightening

The persistent gap between credit and deposit growth has perplexed many. Could it be due to shortfalls in money injection by the RBI?

Updated On: 06 Jun 2023 | 1:50 PM IST

The smart thing vs the right thing

What should one choose to do?

Updated On: 06 Jun 2023 | 11:48 AM IST

Banks up to tricks with bad loans again?

The recapitalisation of banks, the slow absorption of bad loans in the system, and the normal growth that comes from a growing economy have led us to believe that PSBs are sailing smoothly

Updated On: 05 Jun 2023 | 6:29 PM IST

Best of BS Opinion: Underwhelming performance, Pakistan's destiny and more

Here is the best of Business Standard's opinion pieces for today

Updated On: 19 May 2023 | 11:32 AM IST

Towards a National Innovation System

Indian industry must see R&D as its way of building a future based on proprietary technology

Updated On: 18 May 2023 | 4:22 PM IST

A portrait of the deliveryman as a human being

Organising themselves like the Dabbawalas of Mumbai could do wonders for the pay and status of delivery people

Updated On: 28 Apr 2023 | 2:59 PM IST

Next step for the infotech boom

The IT services industry must innovate more and integrate better into the needs of the national economy

Updated On: 25 Apr 2023 | 3:22 PM IST

The fabulous imprecision of history

Salman Rushdie's style of retelling history as fable is evident in his latest novel, Victory City, as he creates a narrative that mixes fact and myth to create a captivating story

Updated On: 24 Apr 2023 | 6:57 PM IST

Best of BS Opinion: Fine-tuning needed, technology transformation, & more

Here is the best of Business Standard's opinion pieces for today

Updated On: 17 Apr 2023 | 10:36 AM IST

Best of BS Opinion: Magister Ludi, a Vibrant future for aid, and more

Here is the best of Business Standard's opinion pieces for today

Updated On: 08 Apr 2023 | 6:30 AM IST

A Vibrant future for aid

The UNHCR's decision to make direct cash transfers in stablecoins has lessons for global finance

Updated On: 07 Apr 2023 | 10:55 PM IST

Dealing with the diaspora

There are worrying signs that in the next decade the Indian diaspora will begin to create more complications for Indian foreign and domestic policy than it hitherto has

Updated On: 07 Apr 2023 | 10:51 PM IST

The Chipko legacy

Alienating people whose identities are linked to the forest and trees around them is not only unfair, but also short-sighted

Updated On: 07 Apr 2023 | 10:47 PM IST