Govt officials say they are cautious as they don't want to be trapped in the WTO quagmire
In a Q&A, UKIBC's group chair lists out three areas that need focus - tariff reduction in some sectors, removal of non-tariff barriers on goods, and aligning data protection rules
The US should, as leading economic power, quickly rescue moribund WTO dispute settlement mechanism and work with other countries to come up with meaningful initiatives
The global merchandise trade is continuing its robust recovery from the shock of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the WTO's Goods Trade Barometer, which hit a record high in its latest reading
The scheme will ensure that exporters receive refunds on the embedded taxes and duties previously non-recoverable
Next week WTO delegates are planning to depart Geneva for their August break and, in doing so, pause their fractious debate over a proposal to waive intellectual-property protections for Covid shotS
Member countries of the World Trade Organization have pledged to conclude the negotiations soon for the fisheries subsidies agreement, which would set new rules for the global fisheries industry
India said that it is 'very' keen to finalise an agreement on fisheries subsidies in the WTO as irrational benefits and overfishing by many countries are hurting domestic fishermen
Beijing has responded with tariffs and restrictions on imports of coal, barley, lobsters and wine
The Biden administration can now move forward to strengthen the WTO dispute settlement process by clearing the way for appointment of requisite number of members to its appellate body
One such measure is the European Union's export authorisation scheme for Covid-19 vaccines
Robin Hoodism - robbing the rich to pay the poor - isn't consistent with either democratic ideals or trust in government
Japan has filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) over China's anti-dumping duties on their stainless steel products, saying tariffs of up to 29% violate international trade rules
The World Trade Organization should penalize bad behaviour when it occurs, Australia's prime minister said Wednesday ahead of a Group of Seven leaders' meeting in Britain
While big pharma has vehemently opposed India's move on compulsory licensing, even non-pharma influencers such as Bill Gates are against sharing vaccine technology without patenting
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has argued in favour of expanding Covid-19 vaccine production and ending export restrictions, saying that getting a patent waiver would not be enough
Developed nations opposed the proposal, though it received the support of three-fourths of member nations
The director-general also praised India for exporting vaccines to other countries.
Patents for complex biologics like vaccines is often governed by multiple patents, which may be owned by different entities.
Manufacturers in emerging economies need to be supported with the technology to actually produce coronavirus vaccines.