A United States' proposal to discuss waiving patent protections for Covid-19 vaccines will intensify talks on the issue within the World Trade Organisation, says the WTO director-general
WTO members will assess on Wednesday signs of progress in talks on a proposal by South Africa and India to waive patent rights on Covid-19 vaccines in order to boost supply to developing countries
Twelve Republican lawmakers have urged the Biden administration to not support a proposal by India and South Africa to the WTO to temporary waive some TRIPS rules amid the coronavirus pandemic
The proposal seeks to temporarily lift certain intellectual property barriers and allow countries to locally manufacture Covid-19 diagnostics and vaccines
46-member grouping of the Least Developed Countries said it supports a request made by India and South Africa to the WTO to temporarily suspend intellectual property rights for the Covid-19 vaccines
Covid-19 continues to pose the greatest threat to trade outlook, as new waves of infection could easily undermine any hoped-for recovery, said the WTO
A waiver on certain provisions of the agreement is expected to help more countries, especially middle- and low-income nations to access vaccines
Says growth will slow to 4% in 2022 as effects of the pandemic will be felt
Two tugboats speed to the canal, dredgers have shifted 27,000 cubic metres of sand
Harris spoke over phone with Director General of World Trade Organization Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala during which they discussed the need for reforms within the WTO
Coming out in support of India and South Africa, hundreds of American civil society organisations and three top lawmakers have urged Prez Biden to not block the waiver to COVID-19 vaccines at the WTO
The agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights or TRIPS came into effect in January 1995
ressure on the World Trade Organisation (WTO) is mounting to seriously consider a proposal by India and South Africa for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) waiver
Experts say this may have repercussions on Indian exports
Okonjo-Iweala's extensive professional experience and strong international standing will help her solve the urgent challenges facing the WTO
The former Nigerian finance minister and senior World Bank executive was appointed on Monday in a consensus process and starts her new job on March 1
Police claims that the organisation behind the "toolkit" shared by Greta had contacted Nikita to organise a 'tweet storm' ahead of R-Day protest by farmers. Stay tuned for Latest LIVE news updates.
Nigeria's Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is widely expected to be chosen to fill a months-long leadership void at the global trade watchdog after Washington reversed its opposition last week
Calls for reforming the WTO grew louder even before Donald Trump took centre-stage in the US
The World Trade Organization recommended on Thursday that the United States bring a series of duties imposed in the pre-Trump era on South Korea into line with global trading rules.