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Page 2 - Weekend Ruminations

The UK or Korea: What is the ideal benchmark for the size of India's govts?

There must be a warning in the fact that some of the most problem-ridden middle-income economies have big govts, big deficits, high levels of debt and large-scale corruption, writes T N Ninan

Updated On : 28 Oct 2022 | 6:45 PM IST

A less predictable outlook: How will Indian economy do in Samvat 2079?

While the frothier end of the market of unicorns has already seen a low tide when it comes to fresh funding, the more sober end of the market might provide a positive surprise, writes T N Ninan

Updated On : 21 Oct 2022 | 10:17 PM IST

Through a 40-year prism: India's record creditable, but not outstanding

India's share of world GDP, after shrinking in the 1981-91 decade from 1.7% to 1.1%, rose to 2.5% by 2011, and then to 3.3% in 2021, with still higher shares to come, writes T N Ninan

Updated On : 14 Oct 2022 | 10:14 PM IST

Unmistakable slowdown: Some indicators disappoint, some flatter to deceive

It is hard to square the picture painted by the different indicators with the RBI's 7% full-year growth forecast. The World Bank's revised forecast of 6.5% may be closer to the mark, writes T N Ninan

Updated On : 07 Oct 2022 | 10:00 PM IST

How should India respond to future shocks in an off-balance changed world?

The global engines of growth have become the sources of instability and uncertainty. T N Ninan explores what India should do

Updated On : 30 Sep 2022 | 11:02 PM IST

Warnings in the Ukraine story for countries captured by oligarchs

While the oligarchs have played fast and loose, Ukraine remains by far the poorest of the ex-Soviet economies of Europe, writes T N Ninan

Updated On : 23 Sep 2022 | 10:09 PM IST

Climate change as business: Crisis, opportunity and everything in between

As the world changes with changing realities, some businesses will suffer. But in any case India has an unplanned advantage: It has to destroy less of the old to make way for the new, writes T N Ninan

Updated On : 16 Sep 2022 | 10:12 PM IST

Covid's medium-term impact and India's Human Development Index loss

While some of the HDI loss will survive into the future, it does not necessarily affect India's index rank in relation to others, which is down by just one over the six years to 2021, writes T N Ninan

Updated On : 09 Sep 2022 | 9:36 PM IST

Economic 'Long Covid': India better, but it's on the same planet as others

In a difficult pandemic-hit period, India may be doing better than almost all other large economies, but the over-arching goal of rapid economic growth just does not show on the map, notes T N Ninan

Updated On : 02 Sep 2022 | 11:49 PM IST

India's chip-making gambit: Ambitious plans or breakthrough strategy?

India has already offered an unprecedented $10 bn as capital subsidy. Is that enough? And is self-reliance the right approach in a mega-buck game, or better to be part of a network, wonders T N Ninan

Updated On : 27 Aug 2022 | 12:03 AM IST

The man who made more money on the stock market than almost anyone else

A family man, a confident investor, someone who was sure two decades ago that India and its stock market were going to boom. T N Ninan recalls his chats with Rakesh Jhunjhunwala

Updated On : 19 Aug 2022 | 10:31 PM IST

Freebies vs welfare debate and the much-ignored advice of Lee Kuan Yew

The issue is not the freebies, but the constraint of limited means. If a government has the money, it can dish out whatever freebies it likes, but not if it is highly indebted, writes T N Ninan

Updated On : 13 Aug 2022 | 5:54 PM IST

The record of 75 years: How will India be more whole-heartedly admired?

If India addresses its institutional and policy failures, reduces its inequalities and addressing its iniquities over the next 25 years, that would truly make it an Indian century, writes T N Ninan

Updated On : 05 Aug 2022 | 10:48 PM IST

Post-pandemic surprises and where the Indian economy truly stands today

To avoid getting caught up in possible group-think, we need to question the assumptions. Remember that there have been only two five-year periods when India has recorded rapid growth, writes T N Ninan

Updated On : 29 Jul 2022 | 10:14 PM IST

Five months into the war: Unprecedented sanctions on Russia cut both ways

European leaders have had to give up a reliable source of energy supply, and now they must militarise their economies while being asked to fund Ukraine militarily and economically, writes T N Ninan

Updated On : 22 Jul 2022 | 10:25 PM IST

The 'permanent' problem: Why is there a 'caste system' in govt employment?

One reason why the govt and associate entities are exploring contractual employment obviously is cost, and the other is productivity, notes T N Ninan

Updated On : 16 Jul 2022 | 3:02 AM IST

Revving up in low gear: The paradoxes in India's transport sector

No Indian airline makes money, railways' passenger traffic is stagnant, and roads have a revenue imbalance problem, but investments in all three are like never before, notes T N Ninan

Updated On : 08 Jul 2022 | 11:05 PM IST

The rupee's 'new lows': Why it's not necessarily a cause for concern

The framers of a 'strong currency' policy ignore that almost every country with a successful long-term record of development has pursued a 'weak currency' policy, writes T N Ninan

Updated On : 01 Jul 2022 | 11:32 PM IST

Bureaucrats and diplomats: The divergence in their post-retirement writing

While IAS officers write primarily about their own exploits, IFS officers write more about the issues and context of their work, while straying also into unrelated fields, notes T N Ninan

Updated On : 24 Jun 2022 | 10:47 PM IST

Companies in clover, but there's something in the economy that's amiss

Today, far too many people earn far too little to support consumption growth of the kind the economy needs, notes T N Ninan

Updated On : 21 Jun 2022 | 4:23 PM IST