Uber's comment on an ICIJ report on the manner in which it flouted local rules to build its business is revealing as it seeks to wash its hands off the management's deeds pre-2017
A joint media investigation, dubbed the 'Uber Files', found that Uber used "stealth technology" to fend off government investigations
Mumbai was the "most forgetful" city in terms of riders leaving behind their belongings, followed by Kolkata and Prayagraj
A lawyer who's been fighting the ride-hailing giant in court for six years wants a judge to now take into account the extra costs saddled on California taxpayers by Uber's business model
Lawyer said his law firm's investigation found only a few people who wanted to come forward to say they suffered harassment at Uber
Any federal criminal investigation into Uber could be looking into several matters
Direction issued on the pleas of Uber India President Amit Jain and General Manager North Gagan Bhatia