Over 200,000 autorickshaw drivers and 48,000 taxi drivers are expected to join the indefinite strike
Indian Railways cancelled 269 trains on Sunday, September 4. Read this report to know the status of rescheduled, source-changed, diverted, cancelled or shortly-terminated trains today
Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation announced the list of cancelled, rescheduled, diverted, source-changed trains and shortly-terminated trains on Saturday, September 3. Read this article
Introduced in 2019, Uber Auto and Uber Moto have seen a three-fold increase in demand after the coronavirus pandemic
Travellers willing to discover rural areas and pay a premium for sustainable tourism, says research on Asia-Pacific respondents
Easy Trip Director Prashant Pitti is sanguine, even though his firm, which operates EaseMyTrip.com, gets more than 90% of its revenue from selling airline tickets
They were riding on the promise of steady double-digit growth, but with travel restrictions and cancellations, their problems are mounting
Here are some apps to help you plan easy and accessible holidays