RBI said on YoY basis, non-food bank credit grew 6.7 per cent in July 2020, the same as June 2020, but lower than the growth of 11.4 per cent in July 2019
Take your repayment capability and the extra interest cost involved when choosing a restructuring option
Cheap deposit money, which helps offer low lending rates, gives banks the edge over gold loan companies
Firms from the aviation, hospitality, and retail sectors are expected to be allowed to avail of the new scheme
On aggregate basis, gross NPAs of 8 PSBs improve by 132 bps
From 50 per cent, a home finance firm's exposure to retail loans will go down to 37.5 per cent. Instead of a floor for retail loans, should the RBI look for a ceiling for wholesale loans?
"the unanimous feedback has been that there has been a decline in the total loan book under moratorium from the 25-30% numbers reported as of end-May," analysts led by Suresh Ganapathy wrote in a note
Credit costs could touch Rs 2.7 trillion
Senior SBI executives said most of those seeking deferment are retail and micro and small enterprises and are hard-pressed for resources when earning and cash flows have almost dried up.
The only way to save the financial system and the economy is the Reserve Bank relaxing banks' asset classification norms
In its bid to boost retail credit flow, the RBI on February 6 announced that incremental loans towards automobile purchases, residential housing and loans to MSMEs will be set against the mandatory ca
During this fiscal, some growth momentum is expected in the fourth quarter, after subdued three quarters due to traditional fiscal year ending growth
The RBI has also estimated a dip in stress at its bi-yearly stability report in December
Apart from this, the regulatory and legislative measures taken by the government in the past few years have propelled growth in low-cost housing loans
Private-sector banks have a larger exposure to retail loans and may be more at risk
Financial stress among rural households and sluggish job creation are among the key drivers of the slowdown
Retail loans being the fastest growing segment in the last five years may be no exception
Move to cover fresh retail, MSME loans from Oct 1; home, auto loans to get cheaper
The private sector lender to lean on two segments of the business, namely consumer loans and mortgages
Besides recent corporate slippages, slowdown would impact unsecured retail loans, farm and micro finance loans, commercial real estate and NBFCs and poorly-rated corporates with risk of downgrades