The Delhi Police on Thursday asked a court here to grant five more days of custody of businessman Navneet Kalra to interrogate him for allegedly hoarding life-saving oxygen concentrators and selling them at inflated prices in black market. The Crime Branch produced Kalra before Metropolitan Magistrate Akanksha Garg of Saket Court at the end of the three days of his police custody. The accused has also filed bail application in the case, which will come up for hearing along with the application of police seeking his further remand. During a recent raid, 524 oxygen concentrators were recovered from Khan Chacha, Town Hall, and Nege & Ju restaurants owned by Kalra. The absconding restaurateur was nabbed from Gurugram on May 16 night and formally arrested the next day. During the three-days custodial interrogation, the police took Kalra to the three upscale restaurants owned by him in Khan Market and Lodhi Colony. He was also taken for the mandatory medical examination. The police ..
Indian Railways has delivered nearly 11,800 metric tonnes of Liquid Medical Oxygen in more than 727 tankers to various states across the country as India battling the second wave of Covid-19
Indian Navy has conceptualised and designed an Oxygen Recycling System (ORS) to alleviate the existing Oxygen shortages
Indian Railways has delivered nearly 11,800 tonnes of liquid medical oxygen (LMO) in more than 727 tankers to various states across the country, the ministry said on Wednesday. A total of 196 'Oxygen Express' trains have completed their journey so far and brought relief to various states. Till Wednesday afternoon, 11 loaded Oxygen Expresses are on the run with more than 717 tonnes of LMO in 43 tankers, it said. Oxygen Expresses have been delivering nearly 800 tonnes of LMO across the nation daily for last few days, the ministry said. "Oxygen relief by Oxygen Expresses reached out to 13 states namely Uttarakhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Haryana, Telangana, Punjab, Kerala, Delhi & Uttar Pradesh," it said. So far, 521 tonnes of oxygen has been offloaded in Maharashtra, nearly 2,979 tonnes in Uttar Pradesh, 498 tonnes in Madhya Pradesh, 1,507 tonnes in Haryana, 653 tonnes in Telangana, 97 tonnes in Rajasthan, 481 tonnes in ...
Fast-moving consumer goods major Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL) on Wednesday rolled out an initiative to make oxygen concentrators available free-of-cost to patients in Delhi NCR region and Bengaluru
Starting from the second week of April, over 1,300 oxygen beds and about 530 ICU beds for Covid treatment have been added in 12 new AIIMS
Oxygen production at Vedanta Ltd's copper smelter plant or Sterlite Copper located in Thoothukudi was restarted on Wednesday, said a company official
Aiming to double oxygen manufacturing capacity to 700 tonnes, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has unveiled Andhra Pradesh Industrial Gases and Medical Oxygen Manufacturing Policy
Though large logistics firms are working with the govt for vaccine delivery, for last-mile connectivity especially in the hinterlands, tech might come in handy
All 86 of railways' Covid hospitals will soon have oxygen plants of their own, the national transporter said on Tuesday
The Delhi High Court asked the Centre why it can't fix a formula to determine the MRP of oxygen concentrators which are in demand for COVID-19 treatment as people were being charged exorbitantly.
CM writes to Piyush Goyal demanding that steel industries be allowed to use 20 per cent of the oxygen produced in Chhattisgarh
Delhi HC permitted various private hospitals, which had sought immediate relief of oxygen supply to treat critically ill Covid patients, to withdraw their pleas as supplies have now been stabilised
Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan on Monday said that the recovery time from Covid-19 infection and oxygen dependency will be reduced by anti-COVID drug 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) developed by DRDO
Scams, profiteering represent the flip side of an online help system that has emerged to fill the void left by the government.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday announced that nine medical oxygen plants have been approved for Ghaziabad and three for adjoining Gautam Buddh Nagar district
The Delhi Police arrested businessman Navneet Kalra Sunday night for alleged black marketing and hoarding of oxygen concentrators amid the coronavirus pandemic, officials said
E-commerce giant is helping airlift the devices; first batch of 1,000 has already landed
Representatives of major industry associations and chambers of commerce also asked for real-time information about the cyclone and its trajectory
Vedanta Ltd owned Sterlite Copper plant has roped in experts from ISRO to help rectify the technical glitch developed in the cold box of its oxygen plant, leading to a suspension in production of th