The High Commission of India in the United Kingdom said that 260 more oxygen concentrators have been airlifted to New Delhi, as India fights a devastating second COVID-19 wave.Taking to Twitter, the High Commission thanked donors for their generous contribution, along with Qatar Airways, Air Vistara and DB Schenker for free logistics."260 more Concentrators airlifted today to @IndianRedCross NewDelhi contributed by @O2CforIndia-226, IndiansinLondon @IIL2004-20 & St.Albans-14. @HCI_London thanks donors for generous contribution & @qatarairways @airvistara for free transport & @DBSchenker for free logistics," tweeted India in the UK.Earlier this month, an Indian Air Force aircraft, carrying another 450 oxygen cylinders from the United Kingdom, arrived in Chennai on Tuesday, said Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson Arindam Bagchi.The United Kingdom on May 2 had announced that it will be sending additional 1,000 ventilators from the UK's surplus supply to ...
A total of 10,796 oxygen concentrators, 12,269 oxygen cylinders, 19 oxygen generation plants and about 420,000 Remdesivir vials received as global aid were delivered to states, UTs
Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Friday said that the state now has the fourth-highest active Covid-10 cases but oxygen supply is not adequate
The Bihar government on Friday launched a campaign to encourage installation of oxygen-giving indoor plants.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee wrote to PM Narendra Modi, requesting him to be fair and quick in allotment of PSA plants for the state, amid the relentless surge in Covid-19 cases
Oxygen concentrators are expensive and can also be bought at the community level for emergency use. Other items can be kept at home for monitoring, prevention and cure
The Delhi High Court declined to grant interim protection from arrest to Navneet Kalra, seeking anticipatory bail in connection with alleged black marketing of oxygen concentrators
Vedanta Ltd owned Sterlite Copper Plant which recently, commenced production of medical oxygen at its facility in Tamil Nadu has faced a 'technical snag' in a cold box
Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa on Thursday informed that the Centre had increased the state's oxygen supply from 965 MT to 1015 MT. However, the state is getting only 765 MT daily
Kerala Chief Minister, Pinarayi Vijayan on Thursday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking immediate enhancement of the state's daily oxygen supply to 450 metric tonnes (MT)
Vedanta Ltd owned Sterlite Copper has commenced production of medical oxygen at its facility in Tamil Nadu and the first batch of 'medical grade oxygen' was dispatched on Thursday, authorities said
A Delhi Court Thursday dismissed the anticipatory bail application of Navneet Kalra in connection with allegedly black marketing oxygen concentrators
The Delhi government has written to the Centre, saying the surplus oxygen that is being given to it can be supplied to other states, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said on Thursday
When health-care facilities are running short of oxygen tanks and beds, the portable machine is becoming a line of defense for those seeking to avert breathing difficulties while recuperating at home.
The supply of oxygen is now more than three times of what it was during the peak of the first COVID-19 wave, the Prime Minister's Office said on Wednesday
The IBM India team has also come together to leverage the AI-powered IBM Watson Assistant to build an assist solution
Global tenders would be floated for procurement of COVID-19 vaccines and all steps shall be taken expeditiously to inoculate those between the 18-45 age group
The government approved the procurement of 1,50,000 units of 'Oxycare' system developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation to help in the treatment of Covid patients
The group has also tied up with large e-commerce and logistics players of the country for the smooth delivery of these life-saving concentrators
A total of 9,200 oxygen concentrators, 5,243 oxygen cylinders, 19 oxygen-generation plants and about 3.44 lakh Remdesivir vials were delivered or dispatched through road and air to various state