Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari on Friday said that India can become a "super economic power" given its economic potential. He was speaking on the topic "India's Growth" at an award ceremony organised by Pune Mirror, an English daily. As much as 52 to 54 per cent growth in the country comes from the service industry, 20 to 24 per cent from the manufacturing industry and agriculture and allied sectors contribute 12 to 14 per cent growth, he said. "India is the fastest growing economy....I feel there is huge potential for the Indian economy and we can become a super economic power," he said. The industrial growth in urban areas is good but it lags in rural and tribal areas and in agriculture, he noted. "So the most important challenge before the Indian economy is how we are going to create an economy which is going to create more employment potential," he said. "We are importing petrol and diesel worth Rs 17 lakh crore and creating pollution in the country. We can diversify
States were also told to revisit speed limits in urban and semi-urban road stretches to promote seamless movement of traffic
Earlier in September, MoRTH has issued draft rules to make it mandatory for car makers to install alarm system for rear seat belts
Authority plans to slash developer upfront payment, reduce timeline for financial closure
The government has been considering enforcing the use of rear seatbelts after Cyrus Mistry, the former chairman of Indian conglomerate Tata Sons, died in a car crash recently
The penalty can be paid either offline or online, depending on the facility provided by the city/state in which the traffic offence was committed
In an endeavour to promote ease of doing business, the Union Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) has notified new rules to simplify and streamline the Trade Certificate regime under the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989.
Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of seven National Highway projects with a total length of 222 km in Gwalior worth Rs 1,128 crore
While the ministry of road transport and highways aims for a record 50 km/day construction target, it has only been able to execute 19 kilometres (kms)/day till August
Auto companies will see business increasing by 25-30 per cent thanks to scrapping, says minister
Dealers of registered vehicles must get authorisation certification; intermediaries will have to provide details of each registered vehicle
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) has issued a draft notification to promote ease of doing business and transparency in the sale and purchase of registered vehicles through dealers.
The pace of national highway construction in the country has slowed to 19 km per day during the first five months of the current financial year, according to official data. While the pace of national highway (NH) construction in the country had touched a record 37 km per day in 2020-21, it had slowed to 28.64 km a day in 2021-22, due to pandemic-related disruptions and a longer-than-usual monsoon in some parts of the country. "The Ministry has constructed 2,912 km of National Highways up to August 2022, as compared to 3,355 km up to August last year. The Award figure is 2,706 km during this period as compared to 3,261 km in the previous year," the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) said in its monthly summary for the Cabinet for August 2022. According to the ministry data, the award figure is 2,706 km during April-August this year, as compared to 3,261 km in the corresponding period a year ago. The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) and National Highways and .
The minister recently announced that the NHAI InvIT will soon be open to retail investors, and will assure them a minimum return of 7-8 per cent.
The government is conducting a pilot project for an automatic number plate recognition system with a view to reducing traffic congestion at toll plazas and charging vehicle owners for the exact distance of cars driven on the tolled highways, Union minister Nitin Gadkari said on Monday. Addressing an event organised by the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC), Gadkari said the government wants to develop India's public transport system on electricity. "The ministry of road transport and highways is conducting a pilot project of automatic number plate recognition system (Automatic Number Plate Reader cameras) to enable automated toll collection without stopping the vehicles. "With this new technology, we want to achieve two objectives--free flow of traffic on toll booths and pay as per your use," he said, without giving further details. During 2018-19, the average waiting time for vehicles at toll plazas was 8 minutes. With the introduction of FASTags during 2020-21 and 2021-22,
The government is working on developing electric highways, which will be powered by solar energy, that will facilitate the charging of heavy duty trucks and buses, Union road transport and highways minister Nitin Gadkari said on Monday. Addressing an event organised by the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC), Gadkari reiterated that the government wants to develop India's public transport system on electricity. "The government is strongly encouraging solar and wind energy-based charging mechanisms for electric mobility. "We are also working on developing electric highways, which will be powered by solar energy and this will facilitate charging of heavy duty trucks and buses while running," he said. An electric highway generally refers to a road which supplies power to vehicles travelling on it, including through overhead power lines. Gadkari said that the government is also encouraging toll plazas to be powered by solar energy. The minister said the road ministry has conduct
Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari on Friday said the Centre would study introducing skybuses and build flyovers to decongest roads in Bengaluru. It is difficult to widen the existing roads in Bengaluru. So, we have taken two decisions. We will not acquire land but we will build three-deck or grade separators as was done in Chennai, Gadkari told reporters. He has been here for the last two days attending a programme Manthan', a session on improving road infrastructure and mobility. Ministers and government officials of the Centre and the State attended the session. We are working on public transport on electricity. Technology has changed a lot. It's difficult to acquire land in Bengaluru. So, I suggested the use of skybus like in the Philippines and other countries, the Union Minister said. Gadkari said he has directed the officials of the National Highway Authority of India to consult experts in the world to study the condition in Bengaluru and find one
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has written to the consumer affairs ministry to ask e-commerce companies to stop selling devices designed to disable car seat belt alarms, a senior government official said. The official said the Central Consumer Protection Authority had sent notices to e-commerce companies selling devices designed to disable car seat belt alarms based on a Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) complain in May this year. Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari on Tuesday said that the government is planning to make it mandatory for automakers to introduce a seat belt alarm system for rear seats as well. His comments came after former Tata Sons chairman Cyrus Mistry died in a road accident on Sunday after his car hit a divider in Maharashtra's Palghar district. It appears that Mistry, who was seated in the rear with his friend Jahangir Pandole, wasn't wearing a seat belt and must have been thrown in front at great velocity as
Intention is noble but won't help if passengers decide to ignore it, they say
Under Rule 138 (3) of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, a person "seated in the front seat or the persons occupying front facing rear seats" is required to wear seat belts