The doyen of India's domestic coaches Chandrakant Pandit has been appointed Kolkata Knight Riders' head coach for the upcoming IPL season, the franchise announced on Wednesday. Pandit replaces Brendon McCullum, who is now the head coach of the England Test side. Pandit, the most celebrated coach in the Indian domestic circuit, recently guided Madhya Pradesh to their maiden Ranji Trophy title, having won the national championship multiple times with Mumbai and Vidarbha. Known to work wonders with unheralded domestic teams, this will be the former India wicketkeeper's first big assignment at the elite level. "We are very excited that Chandu is joining the Knight Riders family to lead us through the next phase of our journey," KKR CEO Venky Mysore said in a statement. "His deep commitment to what he does and his track record of success in domestic cricket, is there for everyone to see. We are looking forward to his partnership with our skipper Shreyas Iyer, which promises to be an ..
The firm revised its subscriber count to 80 million by the end of fiscal 2024 from the projected 100 million
As reports of Australian stalwart David Warner ditching domestic Big Bash League for UAE T20 league surface, Adam Gilchrist warns Cricket Australia to take cognizance before others follow suit
The pandemic can only be partly blamed because male cricketers played innumerable matches throughout the year, including the IPL
After UAE-based International League T20, Indian firms acquiring franchises in Cricket South Asia's new league
CSK were one of the semifinalists in the 2009 IPL held in South Africa; emerged champions in 2010 League T20 defeating the Warriors at the Wanderers, Johannesburg in the final
The deal would be done through a combination of primary and secondary purchases of shares
Lalit Modi shared the news on social media with a series of pictures on Twitter, calling Sushmita Sen his "better half"
Batting great Sunil Gavaskar has questioned the commitment of the senior India players, saying he "doesn't agree" with cricketers skipping international series but playing the IPL without a break
The first instalment of bets from Russia amounting to Rs 3 lakh had just been delivered when they were caught.
"There has been no announcement or decision as yet on the IPL window being increased. I will give my views on this issue at the ICC conference," PCB chairman Ramiz Raja said.
IPL valuation bump-up limits downside in stock
The price of IPL, points more strongly than ever, to the fact that content costs are skyrocketing while advertising and subscription revenues have simply not kept pace
'If you can't have a long season of four months why not look at two seasons, one in India and one in a different country every year'
Its structure and ambit could gain from tweaks
Reliance Industries' chart seems to predict 14% upside
Globally, Viacom18 has won television as well as digital rights in three (Australia, South Africa, UK) out of five international territories, including major cricketing nations
The two media giants see very different gains from their bets on IPL media rights
What will give the rights winners succour is predictions that IPL audiences will grow steadily and its brand burnish further with time