There is no good reason to keep the IMF around today - and there are billions of good reasons to send it home
Abe swept to power in late 2012 on a pledge to kick-start the world's No 3 economy with his 'Abenomics' policy blitz
Says effects of leaving would be 'negative and substantial'; would likely mean lower output, higher inflation
The global lender called for a more flexible monetary policy framework with the Bank of Japan
China has accumulated debt faster than any G20 nation over the past decade, climbing to 247% of GDP
The Executive Board of the IMF approved a 36-month extended arrangement under its Extended Fund Facility
A breakthrough EU agreement done to release fresh bailout funds to Greece averted the threat of a massive default on its debt in coming months
The kingdom is cutting their spending at the right speed to cope with a huge state budget deficit caused by low oil prices
The IMF lowered its growth forecast for the Asia-Pacific region to 5.3 per cent in 2016-17, marginally lower than the previous estimate of 5.4 per cent
However, Asian growth will remain strong as domestic demand takes up the slack from weak global trade
Rajan said the multilateral institution is more likely to find innovations in developed market economies as "appropriate"
Christine Lagarde said that calmer markets since February had reduced the stress level at the IMF and World Bank spring meetings here
IMF said global growth has been subdued for a long time and outlook has weakened somewhat since October
Loans "potentially at risk" would amount to 15.5 per cent of total commercial lending, the IMF said in its latest Global Financial Stability Report
Christine Lagarde said weak economy can deter higher living standards, fresh employment levels, controlling debt of nations
The Fund said market turmoil could easily recur and intensify if no action is taken to clean up bank balance sheets
The Fund said revival of sentiment and pickup in industrial activity is expected to further strengthen growth
The Fund said Britain could deal a damaging blow to the fragile global economy if it votes to leave the European Union
The Fund said weaker growth could leave the global economy more vulnerable to shocks
The IMF declined to comment on the WikiLeaks transcript, but said in a statement that Greece needed to be put "on a path of sustainable growth" supported by reforms and further debt relief