The IMF chief said the move to address the issue of bad loans head on was absolutely right
Lagarde said this at the Advancing Asia conference, co-hosted by the Indian government and the IMF
IMF chief Christine Lagarde said that India is on the move using the backbone of digital innovation
IMF chief Christine Lagarde said investments in infrastructure is the right way to stimulate short-term growth
She said unconventional monetary policies should be continued in those countries where inflation is very low
China's central bank has devalued the yuan 0.51 per cent to 6.56 per cent against the dollar, the lowest since March 2011
Lagarde said Asia is the world's most dynamic region and today accounts for 40% of the global economy
SARTTAC will offer courses and seminars for policymakers and other government agencies from the six countries
The call comes as policymakers the world over are struggling to revive their economies, which have been buffeted by slowing productivity and high debt
More than 6% of quota shares would shift to dynamic emerging markets and developing countries.
India is better placed among other major countries, says IMF's Jose Vinals
The Cabinet also gave its approval for providing a special swap of $700 million to Sri Lanka for a period of 3 months
Says vulnerabilities in corporate financial positions and public bank asset quality pose risks to the economic recovery
IMF's financial counselor said corporate profitability is at a 10-year low with state-run banks posing major problems
IMF's financial counsel's comments come at a time when the fund has been asking policymakers to take steps to strengthen their economies
Meant to counsel Delhi and other South Asian capitals, bringing more expertise in an economic crisis; agreement likely this week
The yuan will be included alongside the dollar, the euro, the yen and the pound
Crude prices have plunged around 70% over the past 18 months to around $35 a barrel.
IMF says Indian corporates now are some of the most leveraged across emerging markets
Indian government has taken some positive policy actions in terms of inflation targeting, subsidies and land and labor market reforms, said IMF