Battling the pandemic demands an unprecedented amount of citizen surveillance and data collection. In all of this, does privacy matter? Neha Alawadhi and Arundhuti Dasgupta report
Reacting to the allegations of security chinks at a partner's end, the NPCI said an independent verification of the news was undertaken and no data breach was found
The app gathers a lot of data, which is unnecessary for the task it supposedly performs
Launches bug bounty plan to test its security effectiveness
'Unique thing to be done,' says Niti Aayog CEO about Aaroyga Setu
Banning the platform is not the right solution
Twitter may be the first big technology firm to face a fine over tougher data protection rules
Folders in the name of some of the leading job websites in India also appeared on the screenshot posted by Cyble
The petitioner, Harsh Chugh, argued that the software application was not safe and did not have end-to-end encryption
Will it not be wise to constitute a group of independent members from the civil society - software and legal professionals - to audit the app?
Even getting approval for WFH during the ongoing crisis was not easy for many firms
Breach of privacy is a serious concern
Between February and March, there was a 12 per cent increase in the number of devices in India that received at least one threat
Contact-tracing apps to track the spread of Covid-19 have been developed in at least 23 countries, according to research firm Top10VPN.
The app also calculates the user's risk of infection based on recency and proximity of Covid-19 patients
A variety of phishing campaigns are taking advantage to distribute malware, steal credentials, and scam users
The service, once mostly used for client conferences and training webinars, has emerged in the coronavirus lockdown as a home for virtual cocktail hours, exercise classes, cabinet meetings
Work from home has meant a surge in the usage of video-conferencing apps... but beware, a contact-tracing app can be surveillance software
What was once thunderously described as 'surveillance capitalism' is now a pandemic necessity
Both employers, employees are liable for data breach from home