Google announced the deal in November last year, as it seeks to compete with Apple and Samsung in the crowded market for fitness trackers and smart watches
The feature, which allows people with a user's phone number to find and connect with that user on Twitter, is off by default for users in the European Union where stringent privacy rules are in place
LifeLabs, which does tests across Canada, said in a letter to customers that their names, contact information, health card numbers and lab test results were exposed in a cyber attack
Referring to former prime minister Manmohan Singh, he said demonetisation had an adverse impact on economic growth.
Any user who does not submit "voluntary" verification and remains anonymous could also be specifically targeted by government agencies
The government can also ask data processors to provide data for formulation of evidence-based policies for its own use
The Lok Sabha on Wednesday had referred the bill to a joint select committee of both Houses of Parliament
USIBC also suggested the bill be revised to provide ample time to establish a new Data Protection Authority
It may possibly be referred to a joint select committee subsequently
The legislation provides for stringent ground rules for processing of personal and sensitive information of children, while mandating the processing of 'critical' personal data only in India
Find out extent of damage through dedicated websites, and get into damage control mode
Facebook-owned Whatsapp had said that Indian journalists and human rights activists were among those globally spied upon by unnamed entities using Pegasus spyware
Once cleared by the Parliament, the Personal Data Protection Bill will have repercussions for industries across the board
India is among largest market for Facebook and Twitter.
Experts demanded clarification in several areas of ambiguity that exists in the draft Personal Data Protection Bill
This is consistent with the number of warnings sent in the same period of 2018 and 2017, Google said
A US panel is probing the safety of personal data handled by the company
The company had said Indian journalists and human rights activists were among those globally spied upon by unnamed entities using an Israeli spyware Pegasus
Internet giants use 'ubiquitous surveillance' to collect massive amounts of data, says London-based rights group.
Officials from Home and IT Ministries made presentations on WhatsApp breach and data privacy in the meeting