Bank credit grew by 13.29 per cent to Rs 123.81 lakh crore and deposits by 9.77 per cent to Rs 169.61 lakh crore in the fortnight ended on July 1, RBI data showed. In the fortnight ended June 2, 2021, bank advances stood at Rs 109.28 lakh crore and deposits at Rs 154.51 lakh crore, according to the Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on July 1, 2022, released on Thursday. In the fortnight ended June 17, 2022, bank credit grew by 8.31 per cent and deposits by 12.05 per cent. In FY22, bank credit rose by 8.59 per cent and deposits by 8.94 per cent.
As S&P affirms ICICI Bank's BBB rating, an upgrade over the next one to two years is unlikely as that would require an improvement in the bank's financial profile
Future Retail Ltd failed to make the principal payments due on its restructured domestic bank borrowings on December 31, 2021.
Agencies insist they have improved supervision and governance
Brickwork Ratings is one of the seven Sebi-registered credit rating agencies (CRA). The other six being Care, ICRA, Crisil, Fitch and Infomerics Ratings and Acuite Ratings & Research
Moody's Investors Service changed its outlook from negative to stable on October 5
On Tuesday, CRISIL upgraded the credit rating on the company's long term bank facilities to A-/Stable from BBB+/Positive and short term bank facilities to A2+ from A2
But rating agencies warn that broad-based upturn not visible yet
The bank in an exchange filing said ICRA has upgraded its existing rating to ICRA A+ from ICRA A for Infrastructure bonds, Flexi Bond, Senior & Lower Tier II bonds and Subordinate debt
ESG in Credit Risk and Ratings Statement is supported by over 170 investors who have nearly $40 trillion Assets Under Management and 27 credit rating agencies over the world
Credit rating agency India Ratings and Research, downgraded Ford India Private Ltd's long term issuer rating to 'IND A+' from 'IND AA-'.
Fitch Ratings has assigned a stable outlook to ReNew RG II's $525 million senior secured notes due in 2024 and affirmed the rating at BB.
Fitch Ratings has affirmed Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd's long-term issuer default rating at BB with a stable outlook
Credit losses should remain high at 2.2 per cent before recovering to 1.8 per cent, says rating agency.
Fitch Ratings has affirmed GAIL India Ltd's long-term foreign-currency issuer default rating at BBB-minus with a negative outlook.
One of the most egregious recent cases of misconduct is the behaviour of credit-rating agencies.
The rating on short-term facilities has been reaffirmed at A1-plus.
S&P Global Ratings on Friday said it has revised the rating outlook on ICICI Bank Ltd to stable from negative on grounds that the lender will benefit from the sale of stake in subsidiaries. The rating agency affirmed its 'BBB-' long-term and 'A-3' short-term issuer credit ratings on ICICI Bank. "We revised the rating outlook to reflect our view that ICICI Bank will maintain its strong capital position over the next 24 months. The bank will benefit from the sale of a stake in subsidiaries and gradual normalization of earnings, which should reduce risks associated with its capital position," it said. In a statement, S&P forecast that ICICI Bank will maintain a risk-adjusted capital (RAC) ratio of more than 10 per cent over the next 24 months. "Our expectation factors in 13-14 per cent credit growth for the bank, an improvement in earnings, and sale of stake in insurance subsidiaries over the period," it said. ICICI Bank's stressed loans (non-performing loans and restructured ...
Currently, there are seven credit ratings agencies registered with SEBI
The financial sector could become the main driver of potential risk to the sovereign