S&P Global Ratings on Friday said India's credit rating would be retained at the current level for the next two years, and the country will see a slightly faster pace of growth in the next couple of years that will support its sovereign rating. S&P, which had in March seen the Indian economy growing by 11 per cent in the fiscal year to March 2022, saw GDP growth rate dropping to 9.8 per cent under the 'moderate' scenario, where infections peak in May, and falling to as low as 8.2 per cent in 'severe' scenario under which caseload would peak only in late June. Speaking at a webinar on 'What A Drawn Out Second COVID Wave Means For India', S&P Global Ratings Director - Sovereign and Public Finance Ratings - Andrew Wood said in the moderate downside scenario there would not be any major impact on the government's fiscal position. There could be upside pressure on general government fiscal deficit forecast of 11 per cent as revenue generation would be weaker, but debt stock ...
FMPs allow investors to lock into current yields. The scheme information document indicates the fund's allocation to instruments of various credit ratings
Fund raising through issuance of debentures dropped 29 per cent to Rs 10,587 crore in 2020-21
ICRA has revised long term credit rating on the company's overall borrowings of Rs 204 crore to BBB- from BBB, although, it tweaked the outlook to 'Stable' from 'Negative'
On Tuesday, March 6, Standard and Poor's raised the credit rating of Tata Steel and its subsidiary ABJA Investment Co from 'B+' to 'BB-'
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Wednesday said India enjoys an investment grade rating
Should Indian policymakers be concerned about India's existing sovereign rating?
The survey came down hard on sovereign credit ratings
Fitch Ratings on Thursday affirmed GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd's (GHIAL's) long-term issuer default rating
Rating agency says upgrade reflects improvement in firm's financial profile and liquidity in 1HFY21, which was continuing in 2HFY21 backed by better profitability
Terms and conditions of Indian Basel III compliant AT1 and tier-II securities specify that such securities will be written down before authorities can step in to support a bank
Economic data suggests that Asia's third-biggest economy is recovering, albeit unevenly, after it shrank a record 24% in the three months to June 30
The development comes after the government imposed a moratorium on LVB after considering an application filed by the RBI
The rating also takes into account AIEL's stretched credit profile, characterised by negative net worth and a high outstanding to Air India and other vendors
The rating committee of Brickwork Ratings has assigned short term rating at ''BWR A1+''. The long term rating has been reaffirmed at ''BWR AA+'', the company said in the regulatory filing
Almost 975 of those downgrades have been directly affected by Covid or the partly related collapse in oil prices. If cuts to rating outlooks are also added, that number rises to 1,939
AM Best has downgraded New India's Financial Strength Rating (FSR) to B++ (Good) from A- (Excellent) and the Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating (Long-Term ICR) to BBB+ from A-
A total of 1,287 of S&P's ratings are now on a downgrade warning
The increase in CDS spreads indicates an increasing risk of default, but not necessarily that bond investors would default
Fitch warned India's sovereign rating could come under pressure if its fiscal outlook deteriorates further