All is not well with the government's response to public health
Due to the potential for commercialisation, the plant itself is a closely guarded secret
Recently, the WHO had reported India's first cases of Zika virus outbreak in the city
Finding suggests that virus poses a wider threat in human pregnancies than generally appreciated
The researchers found that mosquitoes in the lab can transmit all three viruses simultaneously
ZIKV is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes aegypti
The study is the first comprehensive description of the Zika virus genome
56% of the women reported avoiding or trying to avoid pregnancy because of Zika
Zika will be in the same class as dengue after removal of the designation
Zika infection can cause severe brain-related birth defects, including a dangerously small head, if women are infected during pregnancy
Infections sometimes persist in the eye after they have been cleared from the rest of the body
Zika is spread by the Aedes mosquito, which also spreads dengue fever
Suspects are currently isolated at Communicable Disease Centre as they wait for the test results
Authorities are continuing with their efforts to bring the population of Aedes mosquitoes under control in affected areas
The study says limited per capita health resources is one of the reasons that puts Indians at major risk
There have also been rare cases of person-to-person sexual transmission
It spreads from people to mosquitoes to people again through bites, but the insects do not spread the disease among their own population
There has been a surge in number of people affected by Zika virus in Singapore, particularly those working in construction sites
The United States has warned its pregnant women not to travel to Singapore, while Australia, Taiwan and South Korea have issued travel alerts
Zika virus, which has caused alarm among Malaysian health authorities, was detected in the 58-year-old woman, said Malaysia's Health Minister S Subramaniam