Bihar YouTuber Manish Kashyap, arrested for allegedly spreading fake videos of attacks on migrant workers in Tamil Nadu, has been given 3 days' police custody. A local court here gave police custody to Kashyap after he was produced before it on Thursdsy. Madurai Crime Branch police registered a case against Kashyap and a special team of police arrested him from Bihar. The lawyer appearing on behalf of the YouTuber said cases against Kashyap have been registered in different places like Bihar, Madurai, Tirupur for the same crime. The counsel argued that the police had arrested and brought him without submitting the document for arrest. So, he should be granted bail. He strongly argued that permission should not be given to take him into police custody to investigate him. The TN government submitted that his fake videos disrupted peace and brotherhood among people. It said that only if the police arrests and interrogates him, the mastermind behind him will be known. After hearing
The guidelines go on to say that individuals should not endorse products or services that they have not personally used
Google-owned music streaming platform YouTube Music has provided an update on its 'Listening Room' programme, for which the company opened and then quickly closed applications in January.
Google took down more than 7,500 YouTube channels in Q1 2023 as part of its investigation into coordinated influence operations, and terminated 6,285 YouTube channels
The video streaming platform also indicated that it may introduce the feature to YouTube on the desktop version
The platform's gaming community opposed the company this week after some creators noticed that their old videos were demonetised, reports TechCrunch
Video sharing platform supported more than 750,000 full-time equivalent jobs in the country
Over the last three years, YouTube has paid creators, artists and media companies more than $50 billion
A 16-year-old YouTuber girl, reported missing from Aurangabad in Maharashtra, was found in a train coach at Itarsi railway station in Madhya Pradesh, an official said on Sunday. The Government Railway Police received information that the teenager, having 44 lakh subscribers on her YouTube channel 'Bindass Kavya', had left home after being scolded by her parents, Itarsi GRP's sub-inspector Vibhendu Vyanktesh Tandia said. The GRP found her in a sleeper coach of the Kushinagar Express coming from Bhusawal on Saturday and later handed her over to her family, he said. After getting information about the girl going missing from Chhaoni police station limits in Aurangabad, the GRP had intensified checking in trains arriving at the Itarsi railway station, located about 500 km from the Maharashtra district. During the checking of trains on the basis of the girl's photographs, the GRP found her in the train coach, he said. Her parents were informed and they reached Itarsi late Saturday nig
Impersonators often leave comments on other videos to bring people over to their fake page
More and more Indian creators are finding opportunities and audiences on YouTube
YouTube on Wednesday said it has added a new 'Super Thanks' that will offer a new monetisation mechanism for creators on the platform.
Google's YouTube has created an ecosystem that transcends entertainment, information or education
YouTube has paid more than $30 billion to creators, artists, and media companies in the last three years, according to CEO Susan Wojcicki
While CarryMinati emerged as the top creator, rapper Badshah's 'Genda Phool' was the top music video of the year
YouTuber Gaurav Wasan, who highlighted the plight of the Delhi eatery 'Baba ka Dhaba' owner, in a video and used it to seek donations, refuted allegations by the popular joint's owner
Kanta Prasad, the owner of popular eatery Baba Ka Dhaba' in south Delhi's Malviya Nagar, has filed a complaint against Instagram influencer Gaurav Wasan for misappropriation of funds
One of his favourite targets is Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince, whom he long ago tagged with a nickname, now widely used by detractors, that translates to "the bear that has gone astray"