Early estimates peg the increase higher than 8% in 2021, 4.4% in 2020
Power generation and freight growth slow down
Social loafing describes the tendency of individuals to put forth less effort when they are part of a group, or working together as a co-located team
Flexible workspace organisation IWG on Tuesday announced expansion of its footprint into Rajasthan and Punjab to meet the growing regional demand.
Roads see more traffic and power generation a brighter week
The deal will help transform BP's workplace services, enabling it to drive efficiency and create a standardised end-user experience for its employees at more than 500 sites
Indicators like traffic and emissions also show some signs of recovery, though more in some parts of the country than others
… are far-reaching social changes coming with it?
Retail & recreation visits at nearly 60% of normal times
"While leaders are responsible for a better tomorrow, managers are responsible for a better today," says Ashish Ambasta, founder and CEO of HappyPlus Consulting, a tech-enabled HR firm
For people with schizophrenia, the ability to pursue employment and be financially stable provides a measure of autonomy.
Staggered office days, virtual hiring, temporary bosses could be the new normal
Many who have recovered from infection face new or existing symptoms like headaches, respiratory illness, persistent bodyache that sometimes last for months.
This week power generation fell below the last year level indicating continued deceleration in economic activity from the lockdown
The government said that vaccination at the workplace would not only be convenient to the staff but it will also reduce the exposure to the virus by avoiding travel
Sharp decline in visits to workplace, retail and recreation spots
In theory, religion plays no role at a workplace. However, in practice, it does
Power generation holds steady compared to previous week
Workplace visits are between 80% and 95% of pre-pandemic levels, shows an analysis of Google mobility data.
Encouraged by the arrival of vaccines, companies are taking a technology-backed calibrated approach to speed up employees' return to the workplace while maintaining social distancing