In a near rerun of the dark days of COVID lockdown, three destitute migrant workers from Odisha walked and hitch-hiked over 1,000 km to Koraput on their way home to Kalahandi from Bangalore in seven days. They reached their homes on Sunday, their pockets empty and holding on only to their water bottles, with tales of struggle, hardships, exploitation and gestures of help from unknown people during the long journey. The trio - Budu Majhi, Katar Majhi and Bhikari Majhi from Tingalkan village of Kalahandi district had undertaken the arduous journey after being denied their wages by their employer in far away Bengaluru. They had exhausted their meagre savings and had no food or money left. On reaching Koraput, they told locals at Padalguda in Potangi block that they had started their journey on March 26 and walked even at night over the seven days. At some places they managed to get lifts. Many people, touched by their ordeal came forward spontaneously and helped them. A shopkeeper ...
The data reflects a rapid rise in the number of people retiring, likely raising pressure on Beijing to accelerate unpopular plans to raise official retirement ages
IT workers are more inclined to quit their jobs than employees in other functions as they look for greater flexibility, improved work-life balance and better career opportunities
French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne is to unveil on Tuesday a highly sensitive pension overhaul aimed at pushing up the retirement age that has already prompted vigorous criticism and calls for protests from leftist opponents and worker unions. The minimum retirement age to be entitled to a full pension is expected to be gradually increased from 62 to 64 or 65, in line with a longstanding pledge by President Emmanuel Macron. Details are to be released by Borne at a news conference. The government argues that French people live longer than they used to and therefore need to work longer to make the pension system financially sustainable. All French workers receive a state pension. Centre-left and hard-left worker unions unanimously expressed their disapproval of the proposed changes after talks with Borne last week. Some are in favour of an increase in payroll contributions paid by employers instead. The country's eight main worker unions are gathering on Tuesday to set the date o
Workers from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka helped build many of Qatar's eight stadiums, and to fill them for the matches
Nearly 83 per cent incidents in Pune reported a loss of body part of the worker, as compared to 67 per cent in Haryana (Gurugram and Faridabad)
Retail inflation for industrial workers rose to 6.08 per cent in October from 6.49 per cent in September 2022 mainly due to lower prices of certain food items, according to the government data released on Wednesday. "Year-on-year inflation for the month stood at 6.08 per cent compared to 6.49 per cent for the previous month (September) and 4.52 per cent during the corresponding month (October 2021) a year before," a labour ministry statement said. Similarly, it stated that food inflation stood at 6.52 per cent against 7.76 per cent of the previous month (September, 2022) and 2.20 per cent during the corresponding month (October 2021) a year ago. The All-India CPI-IW (consumer price index for industrial workers) for October, 2022 increased by 1.2 points and stood at 132.5 points. It was 131.3 points in September 2022. In terms of one-month percentage change, it increased by 0.91 per cent with respect to previous month compared to an increase of 1.30 per cent recorded between ...
The right wing's appeal to the working poor has to do with the fact that economic insecurity has often been intertwined with cultural insecurity, which the right is in a better position to exploit
Over 400,000 gig and temporary workers were reportedly hired to meet the high demand during this year's festive season
Companies are also giving better incentives such as instant payment throughout the year and consistent working capital flow for delivery partners
Mission Kushal Karmi, launched by Delhi govt in July, aims to train 200,000 workers in one year
Delhi construction workers welfare board has registered around 6,400% increase in registrations but many remain aloof
While it is easier now to sue a firm for adopting harmful manufacturing processes, successive govts have dragged their feet on goading companies to take out adequate insurance
12 states, UTs have so far not published draft rules on at least 1 labour code
While the tribe of contractual workers is growing rapidly, many of the challenges they have been facing remain unaddressed
Think-tank recommends social security for gig workers
The layoffs have happened at a time when Udaan is trying to turn into a publicly listed entity in 18-24 months
Apple was set to require employees to work from the office on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning next week -- a policy that had been controversial among some staff.
The number of deaths occurring due to hazardous cleaning of sewers and septic tanks has substantially come down in the country, said Union Minister Ramdas Athawale in the Rajya Sabha
More than 60 workers across three Amazon delivery stations staged a walkout to demand a $3 raise and a return to 20-minute breaks, according to one of the labour organisers leading the effort.