The state has created a Rs 1,000 crore start-up fund to be managed by Sidbi
"We have seen instances of women leaders carrying the communities they work with along with them, helping them grow and develop as well," he said
Facebook Pragati will award four grants of up to Rs 50 lakh for each non-profit to scale their work
The firm is inviting applications from companies where at least 50 per cent of the founding team are women or identify as women
The PM's clarion call acted as a starter gun for various governmental agencies, galvanising them to action
Founded in 2014 by entrepreneur Sairee Chahal, Sheroes network has become one of the largest employment generators for women in the country
In a bid to bridge gender diversity in the business world, an entrepreneurial programme for women is providing hands on training on the tricks of the trade, writes Sneha Bhattacharjee
India's rank remained unchanged from previous year at 52, significantly behind the United States (4th) and China (29th)
Gender bias is a key suppressor of their potential, and a complicated one to address
The GES in Hyderabad will be co-hosted by India and the US
The only other Indian city in the tally is Delhi, that at the 49th spot, just ahead of Jakarta
It might be launched before the end of the financial year
Women score higher than men on nearly all emotional intelligence competencies, except emotional self-control, where no gender differences are observed, according to new research by the Hay Group division of global people and organisational advisory firm Korn Ferry. Data from 55,000 professionals across 90 countries and all levels of management, collected between 2011 and 2015 by using the Emotional and Social Competency Inventory - developed by Richard E Boyatzis, Daniel Goleman and Hay Group - found that women more effectively employ the emotional and social competencies correlated with effective leadership and management than men. The greatest difference between the sexes can be seen in emotional self-awareness, where women are 86 per cent more likely than men to be seen as using the competency consistently (18.4 per cent demonstrate it compared to just 9.9 per cent of men). Also, women are 45 per cent more likely than men to be seen as demonstrating empathy consistently. The smalles
A number of start-ups and e-commerce companies plan to mark Women's Day by celebrating success stories of employees