The entire marketing of rabi crops looks problematic due to social distancing norms and dearth of labour
. According to the second government estimate, the country is set to harvest a record wheat production of 106.21 million tonne in the 2019-20 crop year on the back of good rains
Prices are expected to trade lower towards Rs 1,600 per quintal given the expected new arrivals
State allows purchase from share croppers, contract farmers; last year it could log only 3.8 MT of wheat compared to seasonal target of 5.5 MT
Soymeal is trading at Rs 31,600 per tonne at the benchmark Indore markets
India is expected to harvest 291.95 mt of foodgrain in 2019-20
Wheat is the main rabi crop, harvesting of which will begin from next month
India's rabi sowing has reached new records this year on the back of strong post-monsoon showers which have ensured adequate soil moisture reducing farmers' expenditure on irrigation
Sowing of rabi crops begins in October and harvesting kicks off from March
As per the ministry's latest data, wheat was sown in 834,000 hectare more area so far in the ongoing rabi (winter) season of the 2019-20 crop year (July-June)
Minimum support price for wheat will now be Rs 1,925 a quintal, lowest in the last five years
SMEs account for bulk of wheat mills in india in value terms
India's wheat output estimated at 99.12 million tonnes for 2018-19
The government wants to restrict overseas purchase so that domestic prices of wheat do not come under pressure as the country's wheat output is expected to scale a record high this year.
Second monthly rise indicates trend will continue in near term
Prices started falling from second half of March because new crop started arriving from Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat
It will procure 5.5 million tonnes of rabi rice as well
Wheat stocks of Food Corporation of India and state agencies worth over Rs 700 crore and meant for distributing through ration shops was rendered 'unusable' in Punjab between 2011-12 and 2015-16 because of poor storage facility, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India said today.In a report tabled in Parliament, the auditor also found that an additional food subsidy of over Rs 35,000 crore during the same period as the Centre didn't clear its annual subsidy payouts on time. Due to delay in subsidy clearance, the Corporation resorted to market borrowings at high interest rates to meet its expenditure, which could have been avoided had the Finance Ministry cleared food subsidy on time. It also found that an expenditure of Rs 237.65 was incurred during the same period due to non-rationalization of surplus labour and deployment of costlier labour in depots. In one case, the CAG found that an average FCI labour was handling around 998-1776 bags per day which is much more than ...
Till date, government has procured over 27 million tonnes of wheat
Agricultural ministry has revised its estimates by 0.8 million tonnes following a good monsoon