The mission requires a staggering Rs 3.5 trillion to cover piping to 90,000 households a day for five years; this is where private participation might become crucial
The need of the hour to tackle water crisis situation in India is issuance of government advisories and campaigning in public media for the efficient use of water
As one of the fastest urbanising countries in the world, Indian cities need to respond to symptoms of acute water crisis and fix water mismanagement
Large structural changes to river channels can lead to unforeseen and dangerous hydrological, social and ecological consequences
For years we have known the importance of harvesting water but have failed to utilise this knowledge
India is one of the world's biggest users of ground water and its depleting levels are the main reason for the country's severe shortages
Tubewells, which were once seen as the solution to India's water problem, have tragically ended up becoming the main cause of water crisis
MNREGA workers are now part of Jal Shakti programme
Water scarcity is a serious problem for India and among many solutions ensuring market pricing for water is one
Water conservation is the new of the hour in India
In water-deficient hilly territory, SOS Organics manages to run on its own steam
The overall water stock in the country's 91 major reservoirs has dipped to less than one-fourth of their combined storage capacity
The indiscriminate use of rivers and other surface-water bodies in many areas for disposal of sewage and industrial waste has rendered groundwater non-potable