The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has approved the National Stock Exchange (NSE)'s proposal to appoint Vikram Limaye as the latter's managing director and chief executive officer (MD & CEO). This is on the condition that he resigns from the Supreme Court-appointed Committee of Administrators (CoA) to oversee the Board of Control for Cricket in India.The approval was given on Wednesday. "The appointment will take effect from the date of joining," said NSE spokesperson Divya Lahiri.The nod comes three months after the exchange proposed Limaye's name to the regulator. The country's largest stock exchange has been without a fulltime chief for a little more than six months. Chitra Ramakrishna had quit as MD & CEO in December 2016; Ravichandran has been interim chief.It could take about a month for Limaye to recuse from the CoA, sources said. Concerned whether Limaye would able to do justice to the dual roles at NSE and the CoA, Sebi had withheld approval. Recently, .
The appointment had been hanging fire as Sebi was concerned over his role at BCCI
NSE aims to settle unfair access probe with regulator and is open to monetary penalty, say sources
NSE adds, if he is required to remain beyond August, Limaye to approach SC to recuse himself from it
CoA has been appointed by the Supreme Court to manage the affairs of BCCI
CoA hasn't cleared deal to appoint tax advisor to BCCI to avoid questions of conflict of interest
Some expect him to join by May, while IDFC website shows he is still its MD & CEO
Shareholders of the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) at the extraordinary general meeting (EGM) held on Tuesday gave their nod to the appointment of Vikram Limaye as managing director & CEO of the company for a period of five years. The five-year period will be effective from the date Limaye assumes office after receipt of approval from the Securities and Exchange Board of India.The members at the EGM also approved the appointment of Limaye as director on the Board of the company and okayed a remuneration of Rs 8 crore per annum. Limaye's pay will be 2.6 times more than the Rs 3 crore he got at IDFC in 2016-17. NSE, however, will not offer any stock options. IDFC gave Limaye stock options worth Rs 5.5 crore last financial year, in addition to the salary. He also held shares worth Rs 11 crore in the infrastructure lender. In the financial space, only Aditya Puri of HDFC Bank has a higher yearly pay of Rs 9.7 crore, plus stock options. Interestingly, Limaye's proposed salary .
Aditya Puri has a higher yearly pay of Rs 9.7 crore, plus stock options, at HDFC Bank
To seek approval of its shareholders on March 7 for his appointment & remuneration package
Limaye said he would look at opportunities to expand NSE's business footprint through new products
The Supreme Court had recently appointed him in the panel of BCCI administrators
No formal announcement on selection yet pending formalities at Limaye's end; Sebi nod awaited
The appointment of IDFC managing director & CEO Vikram Limaye as a cricket administrator raised concerns on his ability to focus on his primary role, said proxy advisory firm Institutional Investor Advisory Services (IiAS). Investors should be concerned about the amount of time he spends on his additional responsibilities, it added. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court named Limaye as a member of four-member team led by former Comptroller and Auditor General Vinod Rai to manage affairs of Board of Control of Cricket in India (BCCI). Rai is the chairman of IDFC. The move was part of the court's efforts to reform the administration of the much loved sport in line with recommendations of a panel headed by former chief justice of India RM Lodha. "Vikram Limaye's recent appointment is likely to distract him from his core responsibility. Not only has he become responsible to administer the recommendations of the Lodha Panel, he has also been charged with representing the board at the ICC ...