Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Wednesday said the G20 meetings scheduled to take place in the last week of May and June in Uttarakhand will give the state a new identity on the global stage. Reviewing the preparations for the G-20 meetings here, the chief minister said apart from member countries, representatives of the invited nations will also participate in these meetings that will held on May 25-28 and June 26-28. During this time, representatives of G-20 countries will participate in the Ganga Aarti in Rishikesh and through it will also get to know the religious and cultural importance of Ganga. Dhami said efforts will be made to ensure that one meeting is held in the Garhwal division and the other in Kumaon division. He also said the G-20 meetings as an excellent opportunity to get recognition for local products of Uttarakhand at the national and international level. The chief minister asked officials to organize cultural programmes at the venue of the meetings, make
Criticising the Congress, Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami said the land subsidence crisis in Joshimath, and the situation emerging out of it has been blown out of proportion by certain people
The Central Building Research Institute on Monday began the construction of model pre-fabricated shelters for displaced families in subsidence-hit Joshimath in Uttarakhand, an official said on Monday. One, two and three BHK models of pre-fabricated shelters will soon be built near HDRI, Joshimath, Disaster Management Secretary Ranjit Kumar Sinha said. The structures will be built on land belonging to the horticulture department, he said. Sinha said land levelling work has also been started in Dhak village in Chamoli district prior to the construction of model pre-fab shelters there, he said. If required, the option of arranging accommodation for displaced persons in hostels of Bhararisain Vidhansabha has also been kept open, Sinha said. An amount of Rs 3.45 crore has been distributed among 261 affected families as interim relief, according to officials said. As many as 278 families have been evacuated to temporary relief centres and the number of houses in Joshimath that have ...
An affected local said that the cracks had been increasing rapidly in the area
An earthquake of magnitude 4.2 occurred 23km north-northwest of Pithoragarh, on Sunday, according to the National Center for Seismology (NCS).The quake struck in the state at a depth of 10 kilometres, at a latitude of 29.78 and a longitude of 80.13 at around 8:58 am on Sunday."Earthquake of Magnitude:3.8, Occurred on 22-01-2023, 08:58:31 IST, Lat: 29.78 & Long: 80.13, Depth: 10 Km, Location: 23km NNW of Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand," NCS tweeted on Sunday.No loss of life or damage to property has been reported yet.
So far, the district administration has identified 863 buildings that have developed cracks due to subsidence in the Joshimath city area
The demolition of 'unsafe' buildings in subsidence-hit Joshimath in Uttarakhand resumed on Saturday as the weather improved, even as the number of buildings with cracks rose to 863, officials said
Cracks of one to two metre long have devloped on the Badrinath National Highway in Joshimath, which is the only road that leads to Badrinath, a place of faith for millions of Hindus
As land sinks in Joshimath, another tragedy is playing out in this Himalayan town, many dogs, cattle and other domestic animals left untended as their owners navigate the life-changing crisis
The Princeton professor, Mody tells Kanika Datta, "Nehru, though an honourable man, had an Achilles heel: he knew what he wanted but did not know how to get from there to his goal
The district administration has made arrangements for bonfires at various places in the city in view of the harsh weather
Insurers have also been asked to engage adequate number of surveyors immediately as required and, if need be, consider engaging surveyors from neighboring areas as well
The displaced will be given better facilities by the state government, Dhami said and asked officials to prepare a rehabilitation plan in consultation with the affected residents
Profiles of water samples from Uttarakhand's Joshimath, which is facing a major challenge due land subsidence, and the NTPC project site are not the same, says NIH, Roorkee
Evacuation of families to safety and demolition of unsafe buildings in the town continues, he said adding 258 families have so far been shifted to temporary relief centres
He said he has briefed the home minister about the steps taken for the relief and rehabilitation of the affected people in Joshimath
The Uttarakhand government has decided to shift 130 of the 850 families in Joshimath affected by land subsidence to Pipalkoti village for their permanent rehabilitation.
NTPC's Additional GM Geology Bhuvnesh Kumar said that no blasting was being done in the tunnel currently and water has not filled in it either
The tragedy of Joshimath demonstrates the perils of disturbing the fragile Himalayan ecology. Let us not anger the deities that reside in these sacred mountains
Criticising the Centre for allegedly not making arrangements earlier in landslide-hit Joshimath in Uttarakhand, West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee said the govt should work on a war footing