The law forbids employment discrimination based on sex. The question for the justices is whether that language bars discrimination based on sexual orientation or transgender status
He has until December 5 to file his appeal
Transfer of the $3.6 billion in military construction funds is awaiting approval from the defense secretary
In personnel as well as policy, the rule is live by the sword, die by the sword
Kavanaugh said on Monday that he was starting his new job without bitterness, seeking to set a new tone after the divisive process
Capitol police said 293 protestors were arrested in the protest at the Hart Senate Office Building atrium, and 9 were arrested in a demonstration at the 4th floor of the Dirksen Senate Office Building
Hundreds of employees expressed outrage, confusion and frustration after an image showed Facebook head of global policy Joel Kaplan at Kavanaugh's hearing before US lawmakers last week
According to National Public Radio, Trump has reduced the names of the potential nominees to three judges
Talking to reporters in the Oval Office, Trump said Kennedy has 'been a great justice of the Supreme Court'
Research suggests that Supreme Court's legitimacy is high and holds steady, even when it makes decisions the public dislikes