The White House on Tuesday announced that US President Joe Biden will meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland on June 16."The leaders will discuss the full range of pressing issues, as we seek to restore predictability and stability to the US-Russia relationship," informed White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday.Earlier this month, the White House said that US President Joe Biden believed that his meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin will be a good step forward in the US-Russia relationship to de-escalate tensions and have stable relations."There is not a meeting with the President locked in yet. Obviously, the President, our President invited him to participate in that meeting because he thinks it would be a good step forward in the relationship to de-escalate, to ensure we have a more stable relationship moving forward, but there is no meeting to confirm at this point in time," she said.Last month, Biden held a phone call with ...
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister said that a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden could be held in a European diplomatic capital if an agreement is eventually reached by the two countries
US President said that he is confident that a meeting with his Russian counterpart Putin could be arranged in June, downplaying the impact of the ongoing tension along Moscow-Kiev border to the summit
Promises expanded government benefits, more spending on infra
Putin on Wednesday sternly warned the West against further encroachment on Russia's security interests
Moscow plans to expel 10 diplomats from the US and ban several high-ranking officials from entering Russia, in retaliation for sanctions imposed by Washington this week
The Biden administration announced that the US is expelling 10 Russian diplomats and imposing sanctions against dozens of companies and people
US President Joe Biden has proposed a strategic stability dialogue with Moscow, as officials of the two countries discussed the possibility of a summit meeting in Europe this summer
The US on Thursday announced the expulsion 10 Russian diplomats and slapped sanctions on over 30 individuals and key financial institutions
Business Standard brings you the top news of the evening
The Biden administration is preparing to announce sanctions in response to a massive Russian hacking campaign that breached vital federal agencies, as well as for election interference
Russian President Vladimir Putin prefers to establish good relations with the United States despite Washington's "aggressive policy," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said
Putin ruled out severing ties with the United States altogether and lobbed a jab at the 78-year-old US leader
Biden's comments came the same day as a US intelligence community report that Putin ordered influence operations to hurt Biden's candidacy
Senior administration officials announced the sanctions but did not immediately identify the Russian officials named in them
On Wednesday, the US and the Russian Federation completed the necessary legal procedures to extend the New START Treaty for five years
The spokesman expressed the hope that more countries that have nuclear weapons will join nuclear disarmament efforts
Blinken added that extending the New START Treaty ensures the US has verifiable limits on Russian ICBMs, SLBMs, and heavy bombers until February 5, 2026
China is modernizing its arsenal of nuclear weapons and has shown no interest in negotiating limits
Dmitry Polyansky told a press briefing that "there are a lot of security and strategic issues on the table," including arms control, which require "a serious, in-depth dialogue, on equal footing"