The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 496.84 points, or 2.09 per cent, at 23,267.94, the S&P 500 was down 52.72 points, or 1.84 per cent, at 2,817.40 (at 9:37 pm IST).
For the sake of context, the financial crisis of 2008 had seen the S&P 500 fall by more than 50 per cent from its peak
The longest U.S. economic expansion has ended, said Gregory Daco, chief economist at Oxford Economics
The US Agriculture Department is partnering with regional and local distributors to purchase $3 billion in such farm goods to be distributed to food banks, churches and aid groups
The Labor Department said 5.2 million new unemployment claims were filed last week, down from a slightly revised 6.6 million the week before
The Wall Street trading powerhouse on Wednesday also warned that it expects reduced revenue in its asset and wealth management businesses and a higher rate of client defaults
Exceptional circumstances are sometimes the catalyst for exceptional leaders to emerge; they can also be extremely harsh for those who fail the leadership test.
A total of 218 people have died in the US due to the fast-spreading coronavirus pandemic
The virus and COVID-19, the disease it causes, has spread around the world, crippling global economic activity through lockdowns and business shutdowns.
US Federal Reserve urged not to restrict the quantum of stimulus measures
The Fed said it will 'monitor the implications of incoming information for the economic outlook as it assesses the appropriate path' of its target interest rate
The question now is, how badly? On that score, Friday's payroll report for September contained ammo for the optimists, as well as the pessimists - and plenty for the Federal Reserve to ponder
Trump dismissed fears of a slowdown, extolling low unemployment and a rising stock market over his tenure
Do not let talk of yield curve inversion and impending recession spook you
Only two per cent of the 226 respondents now see a recession this year, compared to 10 per cent in February's survey, NABE said
One stumbling block may occur if the Federal Reserve, led by Chair Jerome Powell, raises interest rates too quickly or aggressively
It's unlikely that Wall Street-favouring white men will have anything close to the share of influence during the next downturn that they had in the last one
Still, there is debate within the Fed over whether a flat yield curve is problem