The 2024 US Presidential election will be pivotal as the nation elects its next president. Scheduled for November 5, 2024, the election will feature candidates from both the Democratic and Republican parties, as well as potential third-party contenders. The race has already attracted significant attention, particularly following incumbent President Joe Biden's decision to step aside and endorse Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee. On the Republican side, former President Donald Trump has been nominated as the candidate. The electoral process will include a series of primaries and caucuses, culminating in party conventions where the final nominees will be officially confirmed.
Donald Trump has denied all wrongdoings in connection with the payments made to Stormy Daniels, 44, ahead of the 2016 presidential election
Trump did not specify what he has been told about an indictment and potential charges, however, his legal team has been anticipating that it will happen soon
Updated On : 19 Mar 2023 | 8:08 AM ISTTrump made the remakrs while being asked at a gaggle before his conservative political action conference address, media reports said
Updated On : 07 Mar 2023 | 1:52 PM ISTAccording to Haley, America spent USD 46 billion on foreign aid last year. That's more than any other country by far. Taxpayers deserve to know where that money is going and what it's doing
Updated On : 26 Feb 2023 | 8:19 AM ISTDespite recent losses, Clinton seems to be marching towards the nomination
Nine chairmen of key Congressional committees in the House of Representatives have endorsed him.
Never before has a presidential campaign in the US generated so much puzzlement, concern, and even dread worldwide
Said President Obama believes that the outcome is critically important
Despite all his controversies, Trump's numbers have been shooting up, prompting him to brag that he could shoot somebody and still not lose voters
Democrat front-runner hopes to gain support of Republican voters and party leaders disillusioned by their standard-bearer
On Tuesday, Texas Senator Ted Cruz also suspended his campaign for the White House as a Republican nominee
The development has virtually sealed Donald Trump's position as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee
He said that he would unite the party and would not only be raising funds for the party but also writing big cheques
Jindal had earlier described Trump as an "egomaniac" who was "devoid of substance" and "dangerous"
According to a poll 84% of voters think Trump will lead the Republican ticket, while 85% say the same about Democratic front-runner Clinton
Fiorina was a presidential candidate herself before she dropped out of the race early in the primary season
Hillary Clinton has won 1,428 delegates in the primary elections so far and Donald Trump has won 845 delegates
The win sent a message to frontrunners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that their march to the nominations are not foregone conclusions
Donald Trump trailed Texas Senator Ted Cruz by five points in the state
Hillary's side says Sanders said no to proposed dates and venues for the debates
Said the Democrats need to mount a serious campaign to ensure that Trump is not elected the next US President
An article in the National Enquirer claimed that Cruz had affairs with five secret mistresses
The national security policies of Trump and Cruz have been called 'dangerous' and 'disastrous' for the US and the world
Clinton criticised the Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz for their anti-Muslim rhetoric