As America's future hangs in the balance, impassioned debates about what caused the 2016 outcome are more than academic
China stiffly denied the US President's accusation
This is not a single solution, but it makes a clear statement by the president that this sort of activity will not be tolerated and will be punished
Facebook, Twitter and other technology firms have been on the defensive for many months over political influence activity on their sites as well as concerns over user privacy.
Congress has sharply criticised the social media companies over the last year as it has become clear that they were at the forefront of Russia's interference in the 2016 elections and beyond
Larry Page, CEO of Google's parent company Alphabet, also has been invited to the hearing
The results will be presented at the Social Informatics 2017 conference in Oxford in September
"Mr President, I'm sorry," Clinton told over phone as her unexpected election loss became a reality
May take actions in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday
James Clapper said Russia staged cyber attacks to interfere in the Nov 8 presidential election
All Americans should be alarmed by Russia's actions: Barack Obama on alleged US election hacking
US officials believe that the spy agency operated with the blessing of Vladimir Putin
Mr Putin shouldn't fear retaliation for his information warfare - he should fear that he will fail
Brazilian politics, including the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, was the second-most mentioned topic
The White House was "like a funeral home", a staffer was quoted as saying in a New Yorker article
Viral stories included headlines like 'Clinton Calling for Civil War' and "Pope Shocks World, Endorses Trump for President
People from all ages, faiths and nationalities assembled at landmark locations in all major American cities
Indian-Americans constitute one of the fastest growing ethnic groups in the US
Neither George W Bush nor his father, fellow former President George H W Bush, endorsed their Republican Party's nominee Trump
If Trump wins, gold is expected to see a sharp jump as market sees policy uncertainty