National registration now stands at 200,081,377 voters, said Tom Bonier.
Also sees S&P500 falling over 3% in immediate reaction to a Trump victory
The Republicans said Trump's chances of being elected president are evaporating by the day
Some of these include stances on nuclear power, protecting the world's oceans, reducing human and economic costs of mental illness
Clinton's campaign manager said Russians hacked committee's computer system, released emails to help Donald Trump
Clinton's campaign manager said Russians hacked committee's computer system, released emails to help her Republican rival, Donald Trump
Since clinching the nominations, Clinton's favourable ratings was 71% among Democrats and Trump's was 64% among Republicans
Clinton's organizational strength too puts her at an advantage as her staff of some 700 people dwarfs Trump's skeleton staff of around 70
The former Secretary of State is confident but she is yet to reach 2,383 delegates
Trump quickly hit back, defending his decision not to release his tax returns unless the ongoing audit is completed
Donald Trump triumphs in 2 states
Clinton is the choice of 51% of Democratic voters, while 49% of Republican voters say they would prefer Trump to be their nominee
The poll surveyed 1,000 'likely voters' nationwide from April 17 to 20
The Republican front-runner referred 9/11 terror attacks as 7/Eleven- a popular chain of convenience stores
While addressing a crowd in Queens, Sanders said that New York State can help take this country a giant step forward for the political revolution
According to a facial analysis of Twitter users, researchers have analysed Twitter follower demographics of Clinton and Trump
Trump scored a massive win against State Senator, Marco Rubio, grabbing all the 99 Republican delegates at stake
Hillary Clinton got support of 65.6% of the votes and Donald Trump gained support of 45.5% votes in Florida
Hillary Clinton got support of 65.6% of the votes and Donald Trump gained support of 45.5% votes in Florida
Rubio with 27.1% votes suffered a massive defeat at the hands of Donald Trump who gained support of 45.5% votes