Breakfast cereal producer Kellogg India's revenue from operation was up 14.12 per cent in 2021-22 to Rs 1,332 crore as compared to the previous year. Its profit after tax in FY22 jumped 42.94 per cent to Rs 102.51 crore as against Rs 71.71 crore a year ago, as per the data provided by business intelligence platform Tofler. Other income was at Rs 20.24 crore in last fiscal year. Total revenue was at Rs 1,352.24 crore, up 14.15 per cent as compared to Rs 1,184.54 crore a year ago. Total expenses of Kellogg India, a subsidiary of Kellogg's Company, USA, were also up 13.18 per cent to Rs 1,217.18 crore. The company sells products such as cornflakes, Chocos, energy bars muesli, oats, granola, Froot Loops and upma in the Indian markets. It received 79.13 per cent of turnover in FY22 from the manufacturing of processed foods and 16.11 per cent from the trading of goods. In FY22, FMCG companies witnessed a surge in demand for packaged food products due to hygiene and safety issues afte
Publicly traded firms will have to disclose additional details about how senior managers are paid, including performance incentives, the SEC said
The US company Uber began weighing alternatives and reached out to several interested parties after recognizing it had limited potential for profitable expansion in Indian market.
The Issa-TDR group had been one of the two main suitors remaining in the contest. They were bidding for Boots through Asda Group Ltd
Pay packages for the women who run S&P 500 companies jumped in 2021 as the economy recovered and stock prices and profits soared. Median pay for the women occupying the corner office rose to nearly $16 million, according to the annual survey done by Equilar for The Associated Press. Still, experts say there's much more to be done to improve gender diversity in the corporate ranks and close the pay gap between men and women. Jane Stevenson, vice chair, Board & CEO Services at organisational consulting firm Korn Ferry said while it is good that women CEO's pay rose, there is still a lot to be done. I think the danger is to look at those cases of CEOs making more their peers and see a message about the pay gap being closed it's not, she said. Of the 340 CEOs in the latest survey of S&P 500 companies, 18 were women, up from 16 in 2020. Profits for S&P 500 companies rose roughly 50% and the index gained about 27%. Because the bulk of a CEO's compensation is tied to such ...
The resolution was approved with 99.16 per cent in favour, Eveready Industries India said in a regulatory filing
The burrito chain forecast comparable restaurant sales growth of 10% to 12% for the current quarter, compared with estimates of an 8.8% growth, according to IBES data from Refinitiv
Tech billionaire Elon Musk's Boring Company has raised $675 million in the Series C round, bringing its valuation up to $5.7 billion.
At Microsoft, he also held the roles of design architect and design director
Equity funds led the way, with a $76 billion haul, while bond funds saw $7.5 billion
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday (local time) said that he has appealed to the US companies and equipment manufacturers for co-development and co-production in India.
Subramanian would replace Frederick W Smith, chairman and CEO, who will step down on June 1. He will now be its executive chairman
The parcel of land located in State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu (SIPCOT), Siruseri on the Old Mahabalipuram Road, popularly known as the IT corridor of the city
Starbucks President and CEO Kevin Johnson said Wednesday he will retire next month, and former CEO and company founder Howard Schultz will replace him on an interim basis.
US businesses posted a near-record level of open jobs in January, a trend that has pushed up worker's pay and added to inflationary pressures in the U.S.
A Reliance unit will invest 16.7 billion rupees ($220.86 million) in new shares of Sanmina's existing Indian entity, giving it a 50.1% stake in the joint venture
News of a potential cyberattack at Nvidia comes just weeks after the Santa Clara-based company terminated its $40 billion bid to acquire British chip designer Arm
In a sign of how quickly norms are evolving at US companies, the big question sparked by Parag Agrawal's announcement was why he wasn't using more of the 20 weeks that Twitter offers
OnlyFans, which is known for hosting adult content, allows creators to monetise the content they want to share
Meta's (formerly Facebook) total income in India grew 16 per cent year-on-year to about Rs 1,485 crore in 2020-21, while its net profit dipped 6 per cent to Rs 128 crore, as per regulatory documents.