A gunfight took place between Naxals and security forces on the outskirts of Ranchi city, police said. Acting on a tip-off that five members of the banned Tritiya Sammelan Prastuti Committee (TSPC) outfit were in a forest in Budmu area, a search operation was launched around 3.30 pm on Thursday, they said. Soon, a gunfight broke out between the Naxals and the forces, they added. "However, the extremists escaped taking advantage of the dense forest," Superintendent of Police (Ranchi-Rural) Naushad Alam told PTI. A rifle and some cartridges were seized from the area, he said. Alam said they have received information that some of the extremists were injured in the gunfight. "We are verifying it," he said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said 'Urban Naxals' were trying to gain entry into Gujarat by changing their appearance, but the state will destroy them The PM was speaking after laying the foundation stone of the country's first bulk drug park in Gujarat's Bharuch district. The project will play a key role in ensuring import substitution and make India self-reliant for bulk drugs, which accounted for more than 60 per cent of the total pharmaceutical imports in 2021-22, as per a government release. Modi said, Urban Naxals are trying to enter the state with new appearances. They have changed their costumes. They are misleading our innocent and energetic youth into following them." The Urban Naxals are setting foot from above. We won't let them destroy our young generation. We should warn our children against the Urban Naxals who have taken up the task of destroying the country. They are agents of foreign powers. Gujarat will not bow down its head against them, Gujarat will ..
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said 'Urban Naxals' were trying to gain entry into Gujarat by changing their appearance, but the state will not allow them to destroy the lives of youth. The PM was speaking after laying the foundation stone of the country's first bulk drug park in Gujarat's Bharuch district. "Urban Naxals are trying to enter the state with new appearances. They have changed their costumes. They are misleading our innocent and energetic youth into following them," Modi said in a veiled attack on the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) which is trying to make inroads into Gujarat ahead of the state Assembly polls due later this year. The Urban Naxals are setting foot from above. We won't let them destroy our young generation. We should warn our children against the Urban Naxals who have taken up the task of destroying the country. They are agents of foreign powers. Gujarat will not bow down its head against them, Gujarat will destroy them," the PM said. Modi also said when h
A total of 460 Left Wing Extremists, also called Naxals, have been killed by security forces in the country since 2018, an RTI response has revealed
Modi said lies were being spread about the NRC and asserted that the previous Congress governments had mooted it.
Does asking uncomfortable questions to the government, or supporting marginalised communities make one less patriotic than someone who accepts the status quo unquestioningly?
As elections approach, the ruling party is bound to be asked inconvenient questions on demonetisation, GST, lack of job creation, sharp rise in fuel prices, and the rupee's precipitous fall