Last year, the state had announced the Rs 4,000-crore package to help private millers tide over the precarious payments situation
Yogi govt had announced the scheme last year to aid mills in settling cane arrears
Adityanath warned the goons to shun criminal activities otherwise they will be sent to that place where they ought to be
The state had announced the soft loan package of Rs 40 billion to help the private millers tide over their precarious payments situation
Blames previous governments for shutting, selling off state sugar mills
The state's mills had been asked to settle their arrears by November
UP govt has created a corpus of Rs 40 bn to be offered as a soft loan to aid the settlement of cane arrears by private millers
The domestic sugar market has been hit by market glut and total outstanding of about Rs 150 bn, of which UP mills account for the highest share at over Rs 104 bn
According to sources, the government could announce some package for the industry in a day or two
Renew demand for Rs 40/quintal incentive relating to previous crushing season, when mills had paid highest cane price of Rs 315/quintal under SAP mechanism
UP's mills, dominated by the private sector's 94 units, have already expressed their inability to participate in the next crushing season
To give cane farmers a viable alternative to only sugar mills as their buyers, the Uttar Pradesh government has decided to revive and boost the state's jaggery (gur) and khandsari (unrefied sugar, made from thickened cane syrup) industries. This would also, it thinks, boost entrepreneurship, create jobs and spur the rural economy.One plus for farmers in selling to gur or khandsari units is that they offer spot payment to farmers, without much supply and weighing hassles. Unlike sugar mills, which are also allowed a window of 14 days to settle payment.At one point, there were about 5,000 khandsari units in UP, now down to 157. To incentivise these, the state government last week took two decisions. One, reducing the radial distance from the nearest sugar mill for licencing one to eight km, from the earlier 15 km. Two, waiving all levies on production of gur.What has driven the state government is the need for a way out from the cyclical nature of the sugar sector. It has, over the ...
In 2007, the Mayawati government (2007-12) had taken the decision to privatise 10 operational mills of UPSSCL and 11 defunct units of UP Rajya Chini Evam Ganna Vikas Nigam Ltd (UPRCEGVNL)
Millers had met CM in Lucknow over sugar price fall, possible fallouts
The private millers owe the bulk at almost Rs 945 cr, or 84% of the consolidated arrears