The CBI has filed a new case against Unitech Limited and its former directors in connection with an alleged fraud in the IDBI bank involving an amount of Rs 395 crore, officials said. Nearly six months after a complaint from the bank, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has booked the company and its former promoters and directors Ramesh Chandra, Ajay Chandra and Sanjay Chandra under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections dealing with criminal conspiracy and cheating and provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act, the officials said. The accused Unitech founders are facing another CBI probe pertaining to an alleged fraud in the Canara Bank. The company was allegedly enjoying a vendor bill discounting (VBD) facility, a kind of credit, of Rs 400 crore from the IDBI bank in 2012, the officials said. "Due to slowdown in real estate sector and pile up of inventory, the company was facing liquidity mismatch, and the payment of VBD bills was delayed," the complaint, now a part of
ED said its probe has found that homebuyers' funds amounting to Rs 244 crore were "illegally diverted" by Unitech promoters Ajay and Sanjay Chandra to CIG Realty Fund
A senior ED official said that the attached properties include residential, commercial units, land parcels, demand drafts, equity shares and bank account balance
The Supreme Court on Thursday directed statutory authorities Town and Country Planning department, Noida, and Greater Noida to hold a meeting with the new board of management of Unitech
The ED has filed a fresh chargesheet before a court in connection with its money laundering probe against realty group Unitech, its promoter brothers and others, said the federal agency.
ED tells SC it will file charge sheet next week in money laundering case against Unitech's ex-promoters Sanjay and Ajay Chandra
The arrest came after the Supreme Court earlier this month allowed ED's plea for a fresh custodial interrogation of the duo
The arrests were made after the federal probe obtained the Supreme Court's permission
The Enforcement Directorate sought custodial interrogation of the former promoters of Unitech, Sanjay Chandra and Ajay Chandra, stating that it has 'bulky evidence' against them
The new board of Unitech has earlier told the court currently there are 74 (residential) and 10 (Commercial) under-construction projects
Both parties will hold the discussions from Saturday onwards till the issue is resolved; the bench said and listed the matter for further hearing on October 27.
SC orders full-fledged probe based on Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana's sealed cover report on Tihar officials, Chandras' collusion
The ED's money laundering case is based on a number of Delhi Police Economic Offences Wing and CBI FIRs filed by homebuyers against the Unitech Group and its promoters
The 29 land plots, worth a total Rs 30.29 crore, have been attached provisionally under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA)
The Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) on Wednesday told the Supreme Court that it has prepared a report on irregularities in Unitech Ltd and has found some of its properties
Director General (Prisons) Sandeep Goel confirmed that the brothers were moved on Saturday.
Both Sanjay and Ajay, who are in jail since August 2017, are accused of siphoning off home buyers' money
An ED official here said that the agency has attached the hotel in London under sections of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA)
The total attachment in this case now stands at Rs 537 crore as two similar orders were earlier issued that froze assets worth about Rs 431 crore.
This comes as a relief to cash-strapped Unitech