Prolonged lockdowns and closures expected to lead to an 'even' worse fall in total working hours, says UN agency.
From RBI opening special liquidity window to US states set to reopen amid unemployment spike, here are top headlines of the day
With job losses and redundancies looming large, firms have taken to the idea of reskilling their workforce with gusto
Plans to make 35,000 jobs offers this year, including fresher and laterals, says won't layoff staff owing to Covid-19 business
The labour participation rate has similarly fallen further from 35.5 per cent to 35.4 per cent and, the employment rate has now fallen to 26.1 per cent compared to 27 per cent in the earlier week
While more than half of UK companies are expected to apply for government grants to pay furloughed employees, critics say they expect too much of the cash to go where it's not needed.
Job losses, destruction of informal sector and inadequate government support could push India back by a decade in poverty-reduction progress
Calls for categorising areas into 'hot zones' and 'safe zones', and ramping up random testing to remain ahead of the virus instead of chasing it
The Labor Department said 5.2 million new unemployment claims were filed last week, down from a slightly revised 6.6 million the week before
Given the staggering job losses, IBO said it assumes that the US economy has entered a recession even though official statistics have not yet captured the scenario
Industry must be allowed to resume operations in areas other than the identified hotspots with proper safety guidelines in place as soon as possible
Extending the lockdown could lead to more deaths
Huge losses are expected across different income groups, especially in upper-middle income countries (7 per cent, 100 million full-time workers), said the ILO
The symbiotic relationship between migrant workers and the economy must be acknowledged when the lockdown ends
We need businesses up and running and people back at work - and swift extraordinary actions to make this happen
FY21 will be a difficult year for all stakeholders
Business Standard opinion pieces for the day talk about various aspects of the pandemic
It added however that an internationally coordinated policy response could 'significantly lower' that number
The anniversary has become a commercialised event
Gangwar said the government has stopped the previous survey as the sample size was low