Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Friday said his government will soon move the Supreme Court for increasing reservation for tribals in the state according to their population. He said the state government has also set up a commission in this regard and it will present its report in November. Baghel was talking to reporters after inaugurating the three-day Chhattisgarh Tribal Festival here. He said when Chhattisgarh was part of Madhya Pradesh, there were 20 per cent tribals and 16 per cent scheduled castes in the state. After the creation of Chhattisgarh, there were 32 per cent tribals and 13 per cent Scheduled Castes (SCs) in the state. In 2005, the Centre gave its nod to granting reservation in Chhattisgarh according to population but this was stalled by the previous state government from 2005 to 2011, he alleged. In 2011-12, when tribals agitated, the state government gave 32 per cent reservation to them, 12 per cent to SCs and 14 per cent to Other Backward Classes
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday laid the foundation stone of multiple development initiatives worth over Rs. 1970 crore in Vyara, Tapi.The projects include the improvement of the road from Saputara to the Statue of Unity along with the construction of missing links, and water supply projects worth over Rs 300 crore in Tapi and Narmada districts.Acknowledging the enthusiasm and affection of the people present on the occasion, the Prime Minister said that he felt blessed to be a recipient of their affection for two decades."You all have come here from far and wide. Seeing your energy, your enthusiasm, the mind becomes happy and my energy levels get a boost. I am trying to repay this debt by working for your development wholeheartedly. Even today, the foundation stone of projects worth hundreds of crores of rupees related to the development of this entire tribal area, including Tapi and Narmada, has been laid," he said.The Prime Minister said that the country has seen two types .
Hundreds of tribals on Wednesday took out a protest morcha to Shahapur tehsil office in Maharashtra's Thane district demanding better facilities for residents. The agitation, 'Dholi Morcha', also saw participation from a large number of women. During the march, the protesters shouted slogans against the state government for failing to provide basic amenities to tribal-dominated villages. The agitators carried a 'dholi ' - make shift stretcher - during the stir. A delegation later met the local tehsildar and submitted a memorandum listing their grievances. The protesters said the sick, pregnant women and students face a lot of problems in reaching main roads from their villages due to lack of proper pathways.
Different organisations of the Kudmi tribe started road blockades in Jhargram and Paschim Medinipur districts of West Bengal on Saturday, demanding that the government declare a state holiday on their festival on Tuesday. The West Bengal government has already declared a sectional holiday on Tuesday, but the protesters want it to be a state holiday. The protesters started the blockades around 6 am on the state highways and other important junctions in the two districts with traditional weapons, affecting normal lives. The roads were largely empty. Protests were also held in neighbouring Bankura and Purulia districts. The protesters said that the blockades will continue till the evening, and the demonstration would be intensified if the demand was not met.
The PESA Act was enacted by Parliament in 1996 to ensure self-governance for people living in scheduled areas
CJI N V Ramana administered her oath at a ceremony held at Parliament's Central Hall in New Delhi in the presence of former president Ram Nath Kovind, VP Venkaiah Naidu and PM Modi, among others
The most dismaying fact is that tribals have a very high dropout rate
With NDA's nomination of Droupadi Murmu the focus is now on the tribals who constitute 8.67 per cent of the country's population
Campaign Aashwasan -implemented along with Union Health and Tribal Affairs Ministries as well as USAID- aims to cover all villages of blocks with over 25% of tribal population in 177 tribal districts
Pakistan intends to bring tribal areas near the Durand Line under its control and complete its Durand barbed wire fencing, according to Pakistani officials in Western media, reported Shamshad News.
The Meghalaya government on Wednesday extended the upper age limit of government job aspirants from 27 years to 32 years for non-tribals, Chief Minister Conrad K. Sangma said.
Modi added efforts are underway to ensure development of regions which remained backward during the "previous" regimes.
Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Saturday said the development of tribal communities is one of their priorities and they will be getting rights over minor forest produce
The Maharashtra government has approved a sum of Rs 231 crore for disbursal to tribal families in the state under its 'Khavti' grant scheme.
Kovind said on Sunday that without the development of the tribal community and the forest dwellers, growth of the society and the country cannot be done
The ministry this year has seen a 36.62 per cent increase in allocation over the previous year's revised estimate of ₹5,508 crore
The tribal affairs ministry launched a portal on Friday to collect data related to tribal migrant workers and link them with the existing welfare schemes
Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari issued a notification modifying the Forest Rights Act, 2006 that will enable tribals to "build houses in the neighbourhood forest areas"
Less than 3 per cent population in 177 tribal-dominated districts in the county has been detected as positive for coronavirus, the government told the Rajya Sabha on Thursday
The financial crisis and consequent indebtedness might push many into forced and bonded labour, the survey report has concluded