Union Minister Piyush Goyal on Friday said India aspires to take its technical textiles market to USD 40 billion in the next 4-5 years from USD 22 billion at present. In a virtual address at a conference on geo textiles, the Textiles Minister also expressed hope to build a domestic technical textiles market of up to USD 300 billion by 2047. Currently, India is the fifth largest producer of technical textiles in the world with a market size of nearly USD 22 billion. To achieve these objectives, Goyal underlined the need to focus on improving productivity at manufacturing and supply-chain levels. Technical textiles are functional fabrics that have applications across various industries including automobiles, civil engineering and construction, agriculture, healthcare, industrial safety, personal protection etc. "We will have to introduce economies of scale and also have to work on research and development to innovate and come up with attractive products which are in the future going
The government will soon release guidelines to support startups interested in undertaking research and innovation in the technical textiles segment and is contemplating a grant of up to Rs 50 lakh for approved proposals, a top official said on Thursday. Responding to a query by PTI, Secretary in the Textiles Ministry Rachna Shah said that she is hopeful that the norms will be unveiled in a month's time. "We would have an evaluation committee which would decide on approving grant for that, so the grant would be up to Rs 50 lakh, that is what we are looking at," Shah said. Hopefully within a month or so, we will be able to have the guidelines, she added. Addressing a press briefing, the secretary informed that the government is looking at measures to cut India's heavy import dependence on machinery and specialty fibre for the technical textiles sector.
The minister's comments were in response to a question of poor quality silk coming into the country from China
Citing the case of the FTA negotiations with the United Kingdom, Goyal said the country had a 9 per cent duty on different items and if that goes away, it will benefit the sector, he said
Given the tightening liquidity conditions and higher cost of borrowings, corporates with a weak credit profile are likely to tap a loan against shares facility to meet their funding requirements
Gujarat corners 13 projects, the highest
As many as 100 smaller mills have suspended operations due to a shortage of good quality cotton, high fuel costs, and poor recovery of payments from buyers in flood-hit areas
The government had rolled out PLI schemes for 15 key sectors, including technology, textile, automobile, pharmaceutical drugs, speciality steel, electronics, among others
Among the top-selling UP products are leather goods, carpets, hand woven textiles, brassware, glassware, sports goods, etc
The discount on tradeable scrips has gone up from 3% to about 20%, benefitting importers who are taking undue advantage at the cost of exporters, says industry
Repeated supply shocks have brought the Rs 20,000-cr textile hub to its knees
Govt must revisit the GM policy
The second part of a series on power crisis takes you to Surat, a commercial textiles hub. This ground report looks at the impact on weaves and knit
The textiles minister also said the exports would get a boost as the sector would get zero duty access in the UAE and Australia.
India's textiles exports are expected to cross $40 billion during the current fiscal, Textiles Secretary UB Singh said on Wednesday.
The projects were approved at a meeting chaired by Textiles Minister Piyush Goyal
Kitex Garments reported a strong 69 per cent year on year growth in total revenues at Rs 205 crore in October-December quarter.
According to rating agency CRISIL, the domestic textile industry is firmly on course to recover in fiscal 2022 on the back of reopening of businesses, educational institutions and retail outlets.
'We will retain the status quo', says Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman after emergency meeting in Delhi.
TXRL has been incorporated with the object to undertake real estate business, Raymond said