The Indian Army on Sunday said that two terrorists were eliminated in Pulwama district in Jammu and Kashmir and "warlike store" were recovered from the spot."A joint operation by security forces was launched by security forces on Friday under the name of 'Operation Tosh Kalan' in Pulwama district," reads a tweet by Chinar Corps of Indian Army.Pursuant to the operation, the area was cordoned off and contact was established with the terrorists.More details are awaited.
One terrorist was killed in an anti-terror operation in the Pulwama district of Jammu and Kashmir on Wednesday morning, said the police.Earlier today, an encounter broke out between security forces and terrorists in the Chandgam area of Pulwama district."Encounter has started at Chandgam area of Pulwama. Police and security forces are on the job. Further details shall follow," tweeted Kashmir Zone Police on Wednesday.
Three cops, ASI Ghulam Hassan and Constables Shafeeq Ali and Rameez Baba, died of injuries sustained in the attack, while 11 others were undergoing treatment
Top Republican lawmakers have demanded that the Taliban be designated as a terrorist organisation
UN chief Antonio Guterres on Wednesday called on the international community to use all tools at its disposal to counter the global terrorist threat in Afghanistan
An unidentified militant was killed in an encounter with security forces in Kulgam district of Jammu and Kashmir on Sunday, police said.
Two militants have been killed in an overnight encounter with security forces in Jammu and Kashmir's Shopian district, police said on Sunday
Security forces recovered arms and ammunition during a search operation in the Budgam district of Jammu and Kashmir
Two militants were killed in an encounter with security forces in Kulgam district of Jammu and Kashmir, police said
An unidentified militant was killed in an encounter with security forces in Pulwama district of Jammu and Kashmir, police said
Pak dropped weapons and some cash in Indian currency using a drone in J&K's Rajouri district, said officials while announcing the arrest of 3 LeT terrorists who had picked up the consignment near LoC
An encounter has started between terrorists and security forces at Batamaloo in Srinagar on Thursday, officials said.
Some instances of individuals from different states, including from southern ones, having joined terror group Islamic State have come to the notice of government agencies
The said posters/ banners were seized by Police and a case under relevant sections of law was registered in Police Station Pampore
A militant was killed on Tuesday as the Indian Army foiled an infiltration bid in Jammu and Kashmir's Rajouri district.
A militant was killed in an encounter with security forces in Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir on Monday
The militants were given the opportunity to surrender and repeated appeals were made through local elders, a police official said
A militant and a CRPF personnel have been killed during an encounter in Malbagh area of Jammu and Kashmir's summer capital, police said on Friday.
Among the slain militants was Shakoor Farooq Langoo who, according to police records, was involved in the killing of two BSF personnel in Soura area on May 20.
A gunfight is underway and further details are awaited, the official said