Changes follow the roll out last week of laws that prohibit what Beijing views as secessionist, subversive, or terrorist activities, as well as foreign intervention in the city's internal affairs
Durov said WhatsApp marketed end-to-end encryption as some magic incantation that alone is supposed to automatically make all communications secure
Telegram allows users to search for other users by uploading phone numbers
The encrypted messaging app said it experienced a powerful distributed denial of service attack after "garbage requests" flooded its servers and disrupted legitimate communications
Without updates, Telegram would not work properly with the latest version of the iPhone operating system and it was out of compliance with the new European data privacy law
Telegram has become increasingly popular in Russia and elsewhere, due in part to its safety features
Terrorists use Telegram app at each stage of the preparation of their terrorist attack
Their case is being tried at the Revolutionary Court in Tehran presided by Judge Abolqasem Salavati
Telegram was under pressure to turn over user data and register with the government for many months