TS ECET 2022 counselling schedule announced. Candidates can check the same by visiting the official website- tsecet.nic.in
TS PGECET answer key 2022 has been released along with the candidate's response sheet
Along with the TM EAMCET results, TSCHE will also release the rank card, which the candidates can download using their credentials- date of birth, captcha code, and application number
The registration for phase 2 of TS DOST 2022 will commence from August 7, Sunday and the last date for submission of applications is on August 21
Candidates who have registered to appear for the EAMCET (AM) exam can download their hall ticket from the official website- eamcet.tsche.ac.in.
TS EAMCET result 2021 has been declared. In order to qualify the TS EAMCET exam, students needed to score a minimum of 25 per cent marks
TS EAMCET result 2020 will be declared today. In order to qualify the TS EAMCET exam, students need to score a minimum of 25 per cent marks
The TS ICET 2020: The last date for filling the TS ICET 2020 application form is April 30, 2020
The TSEdCET-2018 results will be released at 12 noon on the official website edcet.tsche.ac.in