It is Mr Modi's govt that has added to the problem, and it can resolve it, only if it has the stomach to ignore the inevitable howls of protest from a very vocal middle class, writes T N Ninan
What is unusual about the current period of slow growth is that it has come without an exogenous driver, unlike all previous periods of slowdown, going back 50 years, writes T N Ninan
Survey lessons like exports' importance for growth and jobs, how govt intervention in markets can be harmful, and wealth creation via privatisation should have been imbibed long ago, writes T N Ninan
The larger economy suffers more than the central govt, as New Delhi is allowed to get away with behaving arbitrarily and then hiding the reality behind bogus numbers, writes T N Ninan
From drug price ceiling to additional duties on steel imports and export ban to counter onion shortage - govt response to several problems shows the lessons may not have been learnt, writes T N Ninan
Though non-tax revenues, including borrowings, account for 40% of the Budget, there seems to be little focus on boosting these or reducing borrowings by saving on expenditure, writes T N Ninan
India needs to figure out whether it pays to be rule-takers or seek to be rule-setters. Or, do we have an answer to China's strategic challenge? If not, what are our options, wonders T N Ninan
In Budget 2020 speech, the FM should state how she intends to return to the 7% track, and the hard decisions she will take to adjust to the realities of a slowing economy, writes T N Ninan
Let's pretend no more that the system isn't broken. The Centre needs to break heads in the GST Council and work out new slabs and rates (the fewer the better) and make a fresh start, writes T N Ninan
The ruling party may have assumed the economy will revive on its own before next elections, but such facile belief can come unstuck if current directions are not reversed quickly, writes T N Ninan
A crisis is when a govt can expect people to make sacrifices for the larger good. The danger of doing nothing is that growth of 6% or less becomes the norm, not the unacceptable, writes T N Ninan
The govt might look for quick fixes under pressure to revive the economy, but sustainable economic growth will continue to be elusive without structural changes, writes T N Ninan
It is a pity that the Modi government's initial reformist impulses have given way to interventionist ones
The award has been given away by Governor of Maharashtra C Vidyasagar Rao
The award will be presented to Ninan by the Governor of Maharashtra C Vidyasagar Rao on April 26.