Opposition Congress on Tuesday asked Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann to strongly present the state's case during a meeting convened by Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat on the contentious Sutlej Yamuna Link (SYL) canal issue. However, Shiromani Akali Dal president Sukhbir Singh Badal said Mann should skip the Wednesday meeting in New Delhi. Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar will also attend the meeting "As the leader of a party that has led historic Morchas to protect Punjab's lifeline, I warn you not to enter into any negotiations aimed at giving our river waters to any state in violation of the nationally and internationally accepted Riparian Principle," Badal said, addressing Mann. The Punjab and Haryana CMs had earlier met here on October 14, 2022, but theyfailed to make a headway in the SYL canal issue, with Mann then saying his state does not have "a single drop of water to share". In September, the Supreme Court had nudged the two chief ministers to m
Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Friday met with his Haryana counterpart Manohar Lal Khattar to discuss the Sutlej Yamuna Link (SYL) canal issue
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar and his Punjab counterpart Bhagwant Mann will meet to discuss the Sutlej-Yamuna Link (SYL) canal issue on October 14. The discussion between the two chief ministers has been scheduled after the Supreme Court had recently nudged them to meet and try to find an amicable solution. We will definitely try to find a way to resolve the issue, Khattar told reporters here on Tuesday. Last month, he had said water from the SYL was crucial for Haryana. "On one hand, we are not getting this water, while on the other, Delhi is demanding more water from us. Fixing a deadline to resolve this issue at the earliest has become very essential," he had said. In Punjab, opposition parties had recently asked Mann to stand up for the state's cause over the issue. Water sharing from the SYL canal has been a bone of contention between the two states for several decades. Punjab has been demanding a reassessment of the Ravi-Beas river waters' volume while Haryana
The 214-km long Satluj Yamuna Link is meant to share the Ravi and Beas rivers: an arrangement eluding solution for decades
Punjab CM called SYL an emotive issue which could disturb national security
Had Badals taken proper legal recourse, matters would have been different: Punjab cabinet ministers