Domestic auto major Mahindra & Mahindra on Saturday commenced the deliveries of the latest version of its iconic SUV, Thar, with the first vehicle going to auto component maker Minda Corporation's CEO Aakash Minda. Minda had placed the winning bid of Rs 1.11 crore in the six-day long online auction for the first unit of the vehicle in late September. Mahindra Group on Saturday handed over the all-new Thar to Aakash Minda, winner of the online auction for the very first vehicle, the company said in a release. Minda opted for the fully loaded LX petrol automatic transmission convertible variant of the latest version of the SUV, it said adding the vehicle was delivered to him in New Delhi. "I would like to congratulate Aakash Minda, as the very first owner of the All-New Thar. This is a historic moment, given the excitement the auction had created," said Veejay Nakra, CEO, Automotive Division at Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Mid-last month, Mahindra had announced raising production of
First off the block will be a new multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) which is being co-developed with Toyota - Suzuki's alliance partner. The model will also wear a Toyota badge
Analysts attribute this to the slowdown in the job market, which has a bigger economic impact on urban India
Among the two wheelers, motorcycles in the 150cc to 200cc segment have been the outliers
During the month, the Tata group flagship sold 18,580 units as compared to 7,316 units a year ago
Tata Motors to supply 150 Nexon XZ+ electric compact SUVs & Hyundai to supply 100 units of Kona electric Premium SUVs
Analysts say carmaker has to get the pricing right to snatch back volumes in the sport utility vehicle segment
The best seller in its segment, Nexon EV helped Tata Motors post a market share of 62 per cent in EVs in the June quarter of the current fiscal, the company said
From the HQ, the clear message is that we have been affected by the Covid-19 situation and we posted our first-ever loss of almost a billion euros
Thar offer a 6-speed torque converter automatic transmission or a 6-speed manual transmission mated to "an authentic manual shift-on-the-fly 4x4 transfer case"
Besides Vitara Brezza, the model would compete with the likes of Hyundai Venue, Tata Nexon and upcoming products from Kia Motors and Nissan
The initial agreements are not cancelled, but further action is awaited, said Maharashtra's industries minister Subhash Desai, days after his government signed them
But SUV makers remain unfazed by down-trading trend
The Korean auto major invested around Rs 1,000 crore in the new product, which is made in India for the domestic and global markets
The Allspace will compete against other SUVs in the segment including Skoda Kodiaq, Honda CR-V, Ford Endeavour and Toyota Fortuner, Mahindra's Alturas G4, among others.
Hyundai Motor India Ltd (HMIL) on Wednesday said the all new version of Creta, which is set to hit roads later this month, will come with over 50 connected features including a panic button for distress situations. The upcoming model, which is set for launch on March 17, will feature the company's global technology BlueLink with over 50 India specific connected features. "With the all new Creta, Hyundai aims to offer customers the ultimate technology experience," HMIL Director - Sales, Marketing & Service Tarun Garg said in a statement. The customers would be able to verbally order the car to open and close sunroof, initiate seat ventilation, control temperature and fan speed as part of the connected features in the SUV, HMIL said. The car would also take instructions verbally to dial numbers from the contact list in the cellphone, inform public holidays information and track live cricket scores, all at the ease of a voice command, it added. In case of a crash, the car would ...
The passenger vehicle maker is trying to position the facelifted Ignis as the perfect compact urban SUV model. Will buyers give the Ignis a second chance?
If Mercedes-Benz is going to bet big on a smaller sedan, its arch-rival, Volkswagen-owned Audi, believes the way forward is to go even bigger
Auto maker Ford India on Monday launched its compact SUV EcoSport with BS VI compliant petrol and diesel engines, priced between Rs 8.04-11.58 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). The petrol version of the upgraded model is priced between Rs 8.04-11.43 lakh while the diesel variants are tagged between Rs 8.54- 11.58 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). The BS IV petrol variants of the model were priced between Rs 7.91-11.3 lakh while the diesel trims were tagged between Rs 8.41- 11.45 lakh. "Ford is committed to offer products and technologies our customers want and value -- including our best-in-class diesel engines at almost the same price," Ford India Executive Director Marketing, Sales & Service Vinay Raina said in a statement. With continuation of its entire range, EcoSport will be the vehicle of choice for all compact SUV customers and meet their diverse needs, he added. The new EcoSport's BSVI compliant 1.5 litre diesel engine delivers 100 PS power and comes mated with a five-speed manual ...
The Italian-American automaker had previously recalled most of the same SUVs in 2014 and 2015 for issues with their fuel pump relays