Water can be recycled and re-used and thus we may not have water wars. The real challenge is ensuring the sustainability of the water-supply systems
Sources said the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) held detailed discussions with each sectoral grouping and will soon provide final inputs on ministries' final vision documents
According to the study, households tended to have more male-used appliances than neutral, and more neutral than female-used appliances
The cell will also formulate the future policy framework for environmental mitigation measures, including the Mine closure Fund.
The focus of agricultural research and development programmes needs to shift towards rainfed lands that harbour the bulk of rural poverty
Hero Future Energies' chairman and managing director Rahul Munjal speaks on on social media, sustainability and energy efficiency
Extracting and transporting natural gas notably results in significant emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas 30 times more potent than CO2.
States must update their action plans on climate change with a deeper understanding of climate risks
We will fail in the effort to address the challenges of climate change and sustainable development unless we adopt an approach that emphasises conservation over consumerism
No country has achieved the SDGs and even top Sweden scores "red" on several goals
Cooperation between developed and developing countries vital to achieve global agenda for sustainable development.