Lest it is interpreted mischievously, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj went on Twitter to explain her absence from the oath-taking ceremony of some Union Cabinet ministers at the Durbar Hall in Rashtrapati Bhavan at 11 am on Tuesday. She tweeted that she couldn't make it because of a meeting with the visiting foreign minister of Hungary. Swaraj also took a dig at the media. She tweeted, "Media, please avoid the headline: Sushma skips oath ceremony." She then also tweeted her photograph with the Hungarian foreign minister.
Swaraj said she missed the swearing-in ceremony as she had a meeting with Foreign Minister of Hungary
She said, 'We also need to fight together to eliminate international terrorism in BRICS, UN Security Council'
Swaraj further insisted that efforts to trace the victims are on
This came in reference of a tweet, 'Please look into this issue. They delivered defective product and it stopped working in two months
Swaraj, along with VK Singh and S Jaishankar met a group of African envoys and students who raised concerns over safety and security
Remark came in wake of the brutal murder of a Congolese youth in South Delhi on May 20
She was hospitalised for nearly three weeks with complaints of chest congestion and fever
Chandy said today that Kerala government paid for return of 29 Indians including 16 keralites from Libya
He is working in Singapore-based shipping company Transocean Limited.
The 64-year-old minister was admitted to the Cardio-Neuro Centre of AIIMS on April 24.
Swaraj is under treatment for fever and chest congestion with features of pneumonia
Swaraj's remarks came after she raised with her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi, before the trilateral, the issue of China blocking India's bid at the UN to have Jaish-e-Mohammad chief and alleged Pathankot terror attack mastermind Masood Azhar designated as a terrorist
She said India, Russia and China share similar approaches and could benefit 'from coordinating our positions'
India has voiced disappointment at the "technical hold" put on its application to include Azhar in the UN sanctions list
External affairs minister's visit part of Modi govt's West Asian balancing act
Swaraj's visit to Moscow will see her attend the annual foreign ministers' meeting of Russia, India and China
She will participate in the annual Foreign Ministers' meeting of Russia, India and China.
The visit is important against the background of the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran for leadership of the Islamic world
86 persons, mainly gold traders, held and later released on personal bonds, after they said they would show black flags to her