With the West Bengal government extending the summer vacation, the School Education Department asked the authorities to distribute midday meal supplies among guardians within the period of June 20-26
One thing about booking at the eleventh hour is the thrill of not knowing where you're going till the very last minute; also, you can get a good deal both at the hotel and the airline
The Punjab government has declared summer vacation in all schools from May 14 in view of the severe heatwave scorching the state.
The state government had earlier declared summer vacations in schools till May 31.
The Madhya Pradesh government has declared summer holidays for two months for students of Classes 1 to 8 in the state in view of the Covid-19 pandemic
The Delhi-based principal bench was scheduled to go on summer vacation in the month of June.
The other day I read a social media post on how we've all become slaves to our summer vacations
Those who want to stay home this summer, the author lists a few things exciting they can do