To cost corporate users 20-30% more than kitchen consumers
Sugar marketing year runs from October to September
Bullish sentiment has been eroded by a raft of exports from India that Brazil, the top producer, calls 'unsustainable'
Even though world inventories are forecast to drop, the excess hoard is still big enough to satisfy annual consumption in India and the European Union, the top consumers
For January 2019 and February 2019, however, the Union Ministry of Food had set a sugar quota of 1.85 mt and 2.1 mt, respectively
Sugar has shed 3% over the past two weeks, since the govt announced the highest ever monthly quota release of 2.45 million tonnes for March
Announcement comes as relief for mills burdened by sugarcane arrears
Therefore investors, who wish to take an exposure to the sector, could look at companies with a stronger balance sheet and lower cost of sugar production
The UP government's enthusiasm to 'reward' cane growers and win opinions (before the 2019 votes) proved lose-lose for stakeholders
Hits Rs 3,341 a quintal in Vashi Mandi; mills say govt's Rs 70-bn package, buffer stock move are knee-jerk reactions, supply glut not addressed
This 'incentive' may be given so that sugar companies can pay their dues to the farmers
Meanwhile, a sharp fall in sugar prices in global markets has made exports almost impossible
Lack of demand to reduce rates further; markets await export incentives to arrest fall
The investors are holding the biggest net-short position, or bets on declining prices, in six weeks
Govt-controlled cane prices remain a challenge as the sugar-crushing season gets into full swing
For the first time this crushing season, sugar price declined below the benchmark psychological barrier of Rs 3000 a quintal due to growing competition among mills for selling the sweetener to pay farmers' cane dues.Mills in Maharashtra quoted S30 variety of sugar at Rs 2990 a quintal on Tuesday for selling to stockists and traders which upon lending into the Agriculture Produce Markets Committee (APMC) yard works out to Rs 3150- 3250 a quintal considering transport cost, mandi charges, loading and unloading etc. This means, actual realisation for mills for S30 variety of sugar has slumped by over 15 per cent since the beginning of this crushing season in October 1, 2017. While M30 variety of sugar has also fallen similarly, this type of sweetener continued to trade above Rs 3100 a quintal at mill gate.The current price, however, works out to nearly Rs 600 - 700 a kg below the cost of production which is estimated at between Rs 3600 - 3700 a quintal given that increase in cane cost in
ISMA announced the production trend, suggesting a 26% jump in sugar production in the 2017-18 season
Govt lifts stock limit on traders; may trigger 1.5 mt of fresh purchases to fill inventories
The market expects a rise in sugar output of 24% this year
Fresh buying by retailers as well as bulk consumers, driven by ongoing festive season amid higher enquiries from millers supported the prices, says traders